Middle East
1907 A. W. Kinglake Eothen Talwin Morris DesignLondon: 1907A copy of Kinglake's 'Eothen', with a design by celebrated decorative artist Talwin Morris (1865 - 1911).
1885 W. Robertson Smith Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia First EditionCambridge: 1885A fascinating first edition copy of Smith's study of 'Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia'.
1857 Crescent and the Cross Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel WarburtonLondon: 1857The thirteenth edition of this travel work by Eliot Warburton.
c1849 Forty Days in the Desert Israelites W H Barlett IllustratedLondon: c1849An account of William Henry Bartlett's journey following the Biblical footsteps of the Israelites across the desert after Moses led them out of Egypt.
Signed1967 WATCHING THEM DIG Nancy Tieken WHEELOCK Signed First Edition SCARCEN/A: 1967A first edition of 'Watching them Dig; Travels in Iraq and Turkey' by Nancy Tieken Wheelock.