British Topography
1830 The Panorama of London, and Visitor's Pocket CompanionLondon: 1830The first edition of this very scarce illustrated nineteenth century tourist guide to London.
1797 The Antiquities of England and Wales vol. VIILondon: 1797 [1810]New edition of Francis Grose's study of the history of England and Wales, illustrated with lovely engravings and maps, some expertly hand-coloured, and rebound in modern cloth.
1796 The Rural Economy of the West of England; Including Devonshire; and Parts ofLondon: 1796The first edition of one volume from William Marshall's work on the rural economy of England, this volume focusing on the West of England,
1854 Wanderings and Excursions in South WalesLondon: 1854The first edition of this fascinating travelogue of South Wales by Thomas Roscoe adorned with charming engravings, complete with folding map.
1892 The Land of the BroadsEssex: 1892A second illustrated edition of this guide to the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads, with a folding map.
1908 Bridgewater in the Later DaysBridgewater: 1908The scarce first edition of this illustrated history of Bridgewater by Rev Arthur Herbert Powell.
1886 Delightful ThamesLondon: 1886A scarce first edition of this collection of verse and engravings on the river Thames.
1961 A Short History of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in NorfolkNorfolk: 1961A scarce first edition work on the Order of St. John Hospital by Eric Puddy, inscribed by the author. -
1887 A Vertebrate Fauna of Sutherland, Caithness and West CromartyEdinburgh: 1887A first edition of this work cataloguing the animals inhabiting mainland Scotland's northernmost region
1905 London Vanished & VanishingLondon: 1905A signed limited edition study on the beauties of old London by Philip Norman, complete with his colourful illustrations. -
1915 Hill Birds of ScotlandLondon : 1915A smart first edition copy of Hill Birds of Scotland, with illustrations.
1892 A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll and the Inner HebridesEdinburgh: 1892An interesting work about the animals of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides. With 15 illustrations and a colour folding map.
1876 Summer ScenesLondon: 1876A charming collection of summer scenes photographed from the work of Birket Foster.
1890 Some Places of Note in England A Series of Twenty-Five DrawingsLondon: 1890A strikingly illustrated collection of twenty-five views by Birket Foster, a beautiful study of England.
1881 Birket Foster's Pictures of English LandscapeLondon: 1881Myles Birket Foster's picturesque ode to English rural scenes, the limited edition engraved on India proof paper by the Brother Dalziels.
1919 Wild Sports and Natural History of the HighlandsLondon: 1919Charles St. John's lovely topographical exploration of the Scottish Highlands, looking into the striking nature and popular sporting activites.
1999 In the Shadow of Cairngorm Chronicles of the United Parishes of AbernethyScotland: 1999A smart facsimile of William Forsyth's important topographical studies on the Cairngorms, an illustrated volume looking at the beauty of the mountains.
1920-1929 The Land of the Hills and the Glens; The Charm of SkyeLondon: 1920-1929The first editions of two 1920s studies of Scotland by Scottish naturalist Seton Gordon.
2004 The Birds of ShetlandLondon: 2004A wonderful copy of this beautifully illustrated study of the birds of Shetland.
1968 2vol A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great BritainLondon: 1968Two illustrated volumes of this guide to travelling around the UK, divided into circuits and journeys, by Daniel Defoe.
1906 A Fauna of the Tay Basin and StrathmoreEdinburgh: 1906A bright copy of the first edition of Scottish ornithologist and naturalist John Alexander Harvie-Brown's study of the fauna of Strathmore.
1889 Some Places of Note in EnglandLondon: 1889The scarce 1889 edition of Birket Foster's collection of engravings of the picturesque views of England.
1888-1891 3 Vols Tourist's Guide to Somersetshire, North Devon and the County of KentLondon : 1888-1891Three tourist's guides to Somersetshire, North Devon and Kent, with folding maps.
1913 The Royal Palaces, Historic Castles and Stately Homes of Great BritainEdinburgh: 1913A scarce first edition work on the historic palaces, castles and stately homes of Great Britain, bound in half morocco by Otto Schulze.
1824 Account of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of Saint Katharine, Near the Tower of LondonLondon: 1824The vanishingly scarce account of the Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of Saint Katharine, complete with numerous engraved plates, many of which are folding.
1800 An Historical Account of Those Parishes in the County of Middlesex, Which Are Not Described in the Environs of LondonLondon: 1800An extra illustrated, first edition copy of this topographical work on the county of Middlesex, intended as a follow up to Daniel Lysons' popular work, 'The Environs of London'.
1884 2 Volumes A History of LondonLondon: 1884A second edition of William John Loftie's historical study of London. With 42 illustrations, including a colour plate and several folding maps.
1903 Pilgrimages to Old Homes Mostly on the Welsh BorderThe Old Parsonage, Didsbury: 1903The first edition of this history of old homes in Britain with a signed letter by the author. -
1922-1929 4 Vols Black's Popular Series of Colour BooksLondon : 1922-1929Four volumes from Black's Popular Series of Colour Books exploring the counties of England and its lakes, richly illustrated in colour.
1971 Index to Rocque's Plan of LondonLympne Castle, Kent; Chichester: 1971An exceptionally bright copy of this facsimile edition of the 1747 'Alphabetical Index' to John Rocque's map of London.
c1880 The Royal Album of London ViewsLondon : c1880A wonderful album of views of London, with a folding map of the city.
c1834 The Thames & Medway: A Series of Eighty Splendid EngravingsLondon: c1834A beautifully illustrated section of this work following the Thames through ten counties.
1930 In the Byways of West SomersetMinehead & Williton: 1930A very scarce first edition of this volume containing a series of landscape drawings illustrative of West Somerset by Vincent H. Lines.
1864 The History and Topography of the Isle of WightVentnor : 1864A scarce edition of WH Davenport Adam's topographical and historical study of the Isle of Wight.
1967 New Towns of the Middle AgesLondon: 1967A highly illustrated first edition on town plantation in England, Wales and Gascony.
1989 Yesterday's Yeovil: A Sketchbook of Places PastBuckingham: 1989A limited edition of this beautifully illustrated book on the history of Yeovil, signed by the author.