1874 Earth and SeaLondon: 1874A new edition of this illustrated study of the land and seas of the earth from Louis Figuier and William Henry Davenport Adams.
1958 Historic Buildings of North Wales A Map & Guide Illustrating 400 BuildingsStafford: 1958The first edition of this very scarce and beautifully illustrated large folding colour map depicting historic buildings of North Wales, by John Betjeman and D. B. Peace.
2003 The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the WorldLondon: 2003A striking edition of this authoritative world atlas by The Times, bound in half crushed morocco with the original slipcase.
1921 Oxford and District Ordnance Survey One-inch Popular Edition (Special Sheet)Southampton : 1921A scarce special sheet from the Ordnance Survey's "Popular" edition of folding district maps.
1926 Ordnance Survey: Road Map of N. London, St. Albans and Hertford (Sheet 29)Southampton : 1926A very smart folding road map from the Ordnance Survey, covering north London, St. Albans and Hertford.
1926-1932 A Collection of Ordnance Survey Road MapsSouthampton: 1926-1932A collection of four large folding road maps from the Ordnance Survey, scaled half-inch to one mile.
1913 Ordnance Survey Road Map of S. W. Cornwall and Scilly Isles (Sheet 35)Southampton : 1913A very smart folding ordnance survey, being a road map of south-west Cornwall and Scilly Isles at the half-inch to one mile scale.
1914-1915 Ordnance Survey Road MapsSouthampton: 1914-1915A fantastic set of four very scarce folding road maps from the Ordnance Survey Office.
1969 Reprint of the First Edition of the One-Inch Ordnance Survey of England and Wales; DevizesDevon : 1969Sheet 77 of the David & Charles 'Old Series' of one-inch ordnance surveys of England and Wales.
1883 Mediterranean Sea Eastern Sheet Ordnance MapLondon: 1883A very scarce Victorian folding ordnance map from widely popular map and travel book seller, Edward Stanford.
1986 Search for the Northwest Passage: An Annotated BibliographyNew York and London: 1986A very scarce first edition of this bibliography of the search for the Northwest Passage.
1862 A School Atlas of General and Descriptive GeographyEdinburgh & London: 1862A scarce new edition of this school atlas with numerous double-page colour maps.
1969 Geographisch Handtbuch: Cologne 1600Netherlands: 1969A very smart facsimile of the first world atlas produced by a German author, with the original dust wrapper.
c1900 Bacon's Cycling & Motoring Map of Central England and Wales: All Main Roads Specifically ColouredWorcester: c1900A very scarce folding cycling and motoring map of central England and Wales.
1981 The A to Z of Georgian LondonLondon: 1981A lovely copy of this work containing the facsimiles of John Rocque's magnificent maps of London.
1998-9 The Pop-Up Globe and Pop-Up Space 2000London: 1998-9Two educational pop-up books for children, with information on the globe and space with stickers, a star chart and much more.
1545 Typus Orbis A Ptol. Descriptus[Basileæ]: 1545A very scarce map extracted from the 1545 edition of Sebastian Munster's 'Geographia Universalis', drawn from the written observations of Ptolemy.
1771 A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial GrammarDublin: 1771The very scarce second edition of William Guthrie's noted 'Geographical, Historical and Commercial Grammar', complete with many folding maps.
1932 Murray's Small Classical AtlasLondon: 1932A smart later edition of Murray's Small Classical Atlas, with colour maps.
1889 Norway and Sweden Handbook for TravellersLeipsic : 1889An informative hand book for travellers and tourists in Norway and Sweden, with numerous maps and plans.
1913 Paris and Environs with Routes from London to ParisLeipzig: 1913An informative handbook for travellers in Paris, illustrated profusely with maps and plans.
1909 Central Italy and Rome Handbook for TravellersLeipzig : 1909The revised edition of this informative travel guide for central Italy and Rome by Karl Baedeker, with numerous maps and plans.
1877 Bristol Port and Channel Dock AvonmouthLondon: [1877]A very scarce map depicting the new railway line and joint venture between BPRP, GWR and Midland Railway, owned by the chief engineer at GWR Paddington.
1931 Hammond's Handy Atlas of the WorldNew York: 1931A smartly bound comprehensive and colourfully illustrated atlas, exploring the Earth, with a focus on the United States.
c1920 Bacon's New Map of London and Illustrated GuideLondon: c1920A unique illustrated guide to London produced by G. W. Bacon & Co, with illustrated advertisements and a large scale hand coloured map of London.
1973-83 The Early Maps of ScotlandEdinburgh : 1973-83A complete two volume set of this work on early Scottish maps, in their original unclipped dust wrappers with a vibrant full colour folding map frontispiece.
c1880 Bacon's New Shilling Map of London and Illustrated GuideLondon : c1880A charming map of West London part of the Shilling map range.
1814 Lavoisne's Complete Genealogical, Historical, Chronological and Geographical AtlasLondon: 1814A scarce new edition of this comprehensive Atlas, complete with sixty five colour atlas inspired maps.
1895 Round the World: From London Bridge to Charing Cross, via Yokohama and ChicagoLondon: 1895A smart copy of this illustrated guide to points of interest from across the world, with historical commentary.
c1892 Commercial and Library Atlas of the World with Index-GazetteerLondon: c1892A smart, scare world atlas from Bacon, with one hundred coloured maps and references to the latest discoveries of the time.
1983 Atlas of the WorldLondon: 1983A beautiful full colour atlas of the world with moiré end papers and bound in full morocco.
1922 Topographischer Atlas de Schweiz 1:50000 SustenpassSwitzerland: 1922A detailed, large colour folding map of Switzerland.
1670 Lexicon Geographicum; In Quo Universi Orbis VrbesParisiis [Paris]: 1670An excellent copy of this lexicon of ancient and modern geography by Filippo Ferrari, brought up to date and edited by Michael Antonius Baudrand.
1964 Atlas of Geographical Discoveries in Siberia and North Western America XVII-XVIII CenturiesMoscow: 1964Using seventeenth and eighteenth century maps, Yefimov traces the history of exploration in this uncommon volume. Published in Russian.
[1832] Geographical Annual, or A Family Cabinet AtlasLondon: [1832]This very scarce Family Cabinet Atlas contains thirty four hand coloured maps.
c1835 Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologique Et GéographiqueParis: c1835Contemporary maps of European nations, and historical maps are accompanied by genealogical tables and precise descriptions in this coloured volume.