1803-04 The Sportsman's CabinetLondon: 1803-04The first edition of this illustrated work on different dog breeds and their use in sports, by William Taplin.
1929 Traité de VénerieParis : 1929A wonderfully illustrated, limited edition of this treatise on hunting written by the keeper of the Royal Hounds, M. d'Yauville, bound by Bumpus in half crushed morocco.
1939 Birds and BeastsLondon: 1939The first edition of this charming work by Chiang Yee, collecting together twelve beautiful plates of animals.
1928 Dogs of CharacterLondon: 1928A smart early edition of this charming book of words and illustrations on dogs from Cecil Aldin.
1922 Our Dogs and All About Them: A Practical Guide for everyone who keeps a DogLondon: 1922A charming guide to understanding and caring for various breeds of dog, richly illustrated throughout.
1878 The Dogs of the British IslandsLondon: 1878An early edition of J. H. Walsh's profusely and beautifully illustrated work on dog breeds, from the original articles published in 'The Field' newspaper.
1816 A Treatise on GreyhoundsLondon: 1816An 1816 essay on greyhounds, including information for breeders and owners about how best to treat problems.
1930 An Artist's ModelsLondon: 1930The first edition of Cecil Aldin's delightfully illustrated work on the dog models used in his artwork, in the original dust wrapper.
1875 Breaking and Training DogsLondon: 1875A first edition copy of this scarce work on training dogs for the field and to be companions.
1925 Hunting the FoxLondon: 1925The scarce first illustrated edition of this guide to fox hunting, illustrated by Lionel Edwards.
1970-83 Three Volumes of Hunting WorksLondon: 1970-83Three volumes of works on hunting, discussing ferreting, poaching and working terriers, all in their original dust wrappers.
1904 With Hound and Terrier in the Field: Hunting ReminiscencesEdinburgh: 1904A first edition copy of this illustrated collection of hunting anecdotes, with particular references to hounds and terriers.
1913 My DogLondon: 1913A charming children's book telling the amusing tale of a young bulldog, the first edition to be illustrated with colour plates by Cecil Aldin.
1874 Birds, Their Cages and their Keep: Being a Practical Manual of Bird-Keeping and Bird-RearingLondon: 1874A charming example of this very scarce Victorian era guide to 'bird-keeping and bird-rearing', illustrated throughout.
1930 Dogs of CharacterLondon: 1930A smart copy of this illustrated work on dogs from British artist Cecil Aldin, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1930-1931 2vol Let Dogs Delight & PuppiesLondon: 1930-1931Two smart copies of these charming illustrated works on dogs and puppies from British writer Charles Rowland Johns.
1914 A History and Description of the Modern Dogs of Great Britain and Ireland Vol ILondon: 1914A lovely study on the sporting dog breeds of Great Britain and Ireland, adorned with charming illustrative plates.
1993 My Dog's Day: A Pop-Up BookLondon: 1993A very scarce children's pop-up book following the perfect day of Freddy the dog, in excellent condition.
1939 Birds and BeastsLondon: 1939The first edition of this charming work by Chiang Yee, collecting together twelve beautiful plates of animals.
1923 Show PekingeseManchester: 1923A first edition of this highly illustrated guide to show Pekingese.
1807 The Sportsman's DictionaryLondon: 1807An illustrated dictionary on sporting and animals, edited and enlarged by Poet Laureate Henry James Pye.
1905 The Old English Sheep DogLondon: 1905A scarce first edition copy of this charming work on English sheepdogs, complete with plates throughout.
1851 The DogLondon: 1851An early edition of this informative guide to the care of dogs and their diseases, an illustrated work by veterinarian William Youatt.
1905 Wild Ducks: How to Rear and Shoot ThemLondon : 1905A first edition of Captain W. Coape Oates helpful guide to rearing and shooting wild ducks, with four illustrative plates by British artist G.E. Lodge.
1862 Horses and Hounds, to which is added The Taming of Wild HorsesLondon: 1862A scarce, new edition of this informative work on the care of horses and dogs, with illustrations.
1920 Dog Breaking the Most Expeditious, Certain, and Easy MethodLondon: 1920A smart reprint of this illustrated guide to training dogs for sports, uncommon to see in the original dust wrapper.
1933 Dogs of Every DayLondon: 1933A book for dog lovers, containing poems about twelve popular breeds, charmingly illustrated by Cecil Aldin.
1906-1914 Dogs By Well-Known AuthoritiesLondon: 1906-1914A profusely illustrated first edition of Harding Cox's study of dogs, with input from well-known authorities.
1906 Dogs by Well-Known Authorities: Volume One - The TerriersLondon: 1906A beautifully illustrated, scarce first edition of this highly informative work on terriers, edited by Harding Cox.
1955-1957 2vols Dog Training My Way and Barbara Woodhouse's Book of DogsLondon: 1955-1957Two signed first edition volumes concerning training and caring for dogs, by the well-loved television personality Barbara Woodhouse. -
1959 The Book of Show DogsLondon: 1959A first edition copy of this comprehensive reference guide to showing dogs of many different breeds, by the beloved Barbara Woodhouse.
1910 The Life of a FoxhoundLondon: 1910A beautifully illustrated edition of this work detailing the life of a foxhound.
1900 A Thoroughbred MongrelLondon : 1900A first edition copy of this humorous dog tail with illustrations.
1910 A Manual of Toy DogsLondon: 1910A charming book on the treatment of toy dogs, with notes on different breeds.
1915 Indian Notes about Dogs Their Diseases and TreatmentCalcutta : 1915A later edition of this interesting volume on the care of dogs.
1900 Catalogue of the Forty-Second Great Annual National Exhibition of Sporting and Other DogsBirmingham: 1900The very scarce catalogue for the national dog show in Birmingham for the year 1900.