Natural Sciences
1912 2vol Studies in Bird MigrationLondon: 1912A smart first edition set of this study into bird migration from William Eagle Clarke, with illustrations.
1897 With Nature and a CameraLondon: 1897A smart first edition of this important naturalist study with images from one of the world's earliest wildlife photographers.
1993 The MinkLondon: 1993The first edition of this natural history work on the mink written by Nigel Dunstone and illustrated with colour photographic plates, and in the original scarce dust wrapper.
1882 European Butterflies and MothsLondon: 1882The first edition of W. F. Kirby's beautiful work on the butterflies and moths native to Europe, colourfully illustrated throughout.
1974 Birds and Mammals of OrkneyKirkwall : 1974A very smart first edition of this natural history of Orkney, with photographs and illustrations.
1923 Hebridean MemoriesLondon: 1923The first edition of these charming observations of the Hebridean islands, from Scottish naturalist and photographer, Seton Gordon.
1839 Supplement to the History of British Fishes in Two PartsLondon: 1839A first edition of this supplement to go with both volumes of 'A History of British Fishes', with an array of charming woodcuts.
c1907 Birds' Eggs of the British IslesLondon: c1907A colourfully illustrated study of British birds' eggs, with engaging commentaries from Arthur Gardiner Butler.
1879 Floral Dissections Illustrative of Typical Genera of the British Natural OrdersLondon: 1879A very scarce series of illustrations that demonstrate the structure of British flora, intended for botanists' educational use.
1891 Heads and What They Tell UsLondon: 1891A very scarce treatise on phrenology by W. Pugin Thornton, the second edition, illustrated.
1848 The Hand Phrenologically ConsideredLondon: 1848A scarce work approaching the study of the hand phrenologically, the first edition, complete with plates.
1949 The British Islands and their VegetationCambridge : 1949A pleasing two-volume study of the environment, history and vegetation of the British Islands, richly illustrated throughout.
1850-1978 A Collection of Papers of PhrenologyVarious: 1850-1978An interesting set of six papers on phrenology, dating from over a century, all very scarce.
1886 Recherches Expérimentales sur les Conditions de l'Activité CérébraleParis: 1886A very scarce treatise on neurophysiology by Henri-Étienne Beaunis, signed by the author. -
c1890 The Face as Indicative of CharacterLondon: c1890A very scarce treatise on physiognomy and phrenology by Alfred Thomas Story, with illustrated figures throughout.
1792 Physiognomy; or, the Corresponding Analogy Between the Conformation ofLondon: [1792]An English translation of the one of the important works on physiognomy by Johann Kaspar Lavater, illustrated.
1939 Wild Chorus & Morning FlightLondon: 1939A pair of beautifully illustrated ornithological works, written and illustrated by noted British conservationist, Peter Scott.
1879 Essays on PhysiognomyLondon: 1879An English translation of the important essays on physiognomy by Johann Kaspar Lavater, illustrated throughout.
1834 Physiognomy Founded on Physiology, and Applied to Various CountriesLondon: 1834The scarce first edition of Alexander Walker's illustrated treatise on physiognomy.
1978-1988 Natural History WorksBrighton; Minneapolis; New York; London: 1978-1988A lovely set of four first edition works, each exploring unique areas natural history, including a fascinating biography of Sir John Millais.
1937 Fabre's Book of InsectsNew York: 1937A beautifully bound half morocco sixth printing of Fabre's 'Book of Insects', with tipped in colour plates by Detmold.
1909 British Birds and Their HauntsLondon: 1909A smart first edition of this brightly illustrated ornithological study of British birds.
1919 The Lore of the Honey-BeeLondon: 1919A fascinating exploration into the origins of the honey-bee and the ancient art of beekeeping, with illustrations.
1969 Geographisch Handtbuch: Cologne 1600Netherlands: 1969A very smart facsimile of the first world atlas produced by a German author, with the original dust wrapper.
1866 Homes Without Hands Being a Description of the Habitations of AnimalsLondon: 1866A beautifully illustrated work on animal habitats by the Rev J. G. Wood, bound in crushed half morocco.
1909-1920 2vol A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of CongressWashington: 1909-1920The first editions of volumes I and IV of the List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress, with bibliographical notes.
1892 Handbook of the British Flora: A Description of the Flowering Plants and FernsLondon: 1892A smart revised edition of this detailed handbook to British flora, intended for use by beginners and amateurs.
1977 The Hen HarrierBerkhamsted: 1977The first edition of Donald Watson's beautifully illustrated ornithological work featuring his sketches and watercolour studies on the 'harrier' species of bird.
1871 A Manual of Scientific Enquiry; Prepared for the Use of Officers in Her Majesty's NavyLondon: 1871A fourth edition of this fascinating guide to scientific enquiry from English polymath Sir John Frederick William Herschel.
1954 The HeronLondon: 1954A pleasing first edition of this ornithological study of the heron, published as part of Collins' popular 'New Naturalist' series, with illustrations.
1942 Cuckoo ProblemsLondon: 1942The first edition of E. C. Stuart Baker's charmingly illustrated guide to the Common Cuckoo.
1951 Antarctic Isle: Wild Life in South GeorgiaLondon: 1951An excellent first edition of Niall Rankin's work detailing a small expedition hoping to observe wildlife through the breeding season.
1953 The Ancient White Cattle of Britain and Their DescendantsLondon: 1953A smart first edition of this illustrated work of the natural history of the ancient white cattle of Britain.
1938-1941 5vol The Handbook of British BirdsLondon: 1938-1941The complete five volume, first edition set of this informative handbook on British birds with colour plates throughout.
1945-90 The New NaturalistLondon: 1945-90A lovely set of thirteen volumes from the popular and long running 'New Naturalist' series, with many colourful plates.
1967 Birds of the AntarcticLondon: 1967The first edition of this impressive ornithological study of Antarctica by Edward Wilson, colourfully illustrated throughout.