Natural Sciences
1873 The Sea and Its WondersLondon: 1873A smart illustrated work exploring the wonders of the ocean from English writers and illustrators Elizabeth and Mary Kirby.
c1864 Curiosities and Wonders of Nature, Science and Art; Or, The Intellectual ObserverLondon: c1864A smart copy of this scarce work on the wonders of the natural world, with illustrations.
1999 The TulipLondon: 1999A lavishly illustrated history of the humble tulip and its dominating presence across our history.
1829 The Journal of a NaturalistLondon: 1829A smart first edition of John Leonard Knapp's work of natural history.
1851 Manual of British Botany, Containing the Flowering Plants and FernsLondon: 1851A third edition of this concise manual to British botany from English botanist Charles Cardale Babington.
1838 Gleanings in Natural HistoryLondon: 1838A new edition in two volumes of Edward Jesse's anecdotal study of natural history.
1854 Natural History in Stories for Little ChildrenLondon: 1854A very scarce copy of this illustrated collection of educational stories for children.
1945-1954 The New Naturalist WorksLondon: 1945-1954A delightful set of first edition illustrated works from the popular 'New Naturalist' series by Collins.
1899 Our Rarer British Breeding BirdsLondon: 1899The first edition of this Kearton work on the ornithological wildlife in Britain.
1872 The Common Objects of the CountryLondon: 1872A beautifully illustrated copy of John George Wood's topographical look at the common objects found in the British countryside, illustrated in colour.
1908 Wayside and Woodland FernsLondon: 1908The first edition of this profusely illustrated pocket sized guide to the ferns of Britain.
1916 Wild Life of the WorldLondon: 1916The vibrantly illustrated three volume first edition of Richard Lydekker's account of the animals of the world. With 120 colour plates.
1939 Transactions of the Linnaean Society of New York Vol VNew York: 1939A vanishingly scarce volume on the transactions of the Linnaean Society in New York, discussing the behaviour of the Snow Bunting.
1931 Journals of Gilbert WhiteLondon: 1931The first edition of these journals of Gilbert White, an illustrated reproduction of his long-kept journal.
1871 A History of British BirdsLondon: 1871-85The fourth enlarged edition of William Yarrell's important illustrated ornithological work on British Birds.
1896-7 A Hand-Book to the Game-BirdsLondon: 1896-1897These smart first edition, first impression copies of both volumes of A Hand-Book to the Game-Birds by the Scottish ornithologist William Robert Ogilvie-Grant, replete with 40 magnificent colour plate illustrations.
1907 Butterflies and Moths (British)London: 1907A smart new impression of this brightly illustrated study on British butterflies and moths.
1837-1852 A History of British Birds, Indigenous and MigratoryLondon: 1837-1852The illustrated first edition of this five volume study of the indigenous and migratory birds of Great Britain.
1896-1897 A Hand-Book to the Birds of Great Britain (Lloyd's Natural History)London: 1896-1897A vibrantly illustrated guide to the birds of Great Britain, written by English zoologist and ornithologist R. Bowdler Sharpe.
1889 Flora Of HerefordshireHereford: [1889]The first edition of this comprehensive illustrated work on the flora of Herefordshire.
1906-1909 The Moths and Butterflies of the British IslesLondon: 1906-1909The first edition of three charmingly illustrated works from Robert South, including his study of Butterflies, and the first and second series of his work on Moths.
1867 British Butterflies and MothsLondon: 1867The first edition of this concise study on the butterflies and moths of Britain, colourfully illustrated.
1923 Rare Vanishing & Lost British BirdsLondon: 1923A smart first edition of this ornithological study of British birds by Linda Gardiner, adorned with charming coloured plates.
1896 The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of ZoologyLondon: 1896A smart sixth edition of this illustrated study on the crayfish from the International Scientific Series.
1911 Life in Ponds and StreamsLondon: 1911A smart new impression of this brightly illustrated work on the aquatic life of ponds and streams.
1896-1897 A Hand-Book to the Primates (Lloyd's Natural History)London: 1896-1897A very smart two-volume natural history hand-book on primates, beautifully illustrated throughout with coloured plates.
1954 The Domesday Geography of Midland EnglandCambridge: 1954A smart first edition of this illustrated geographical study on the Domesday Book.
1859 Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera Quaedam Hactenus IneditaLondon: 1859A very scarce volume containing three of the minor works of Roger Bacon, in the original Latin.
1936 The Months: Descriptive of the Successive Beauties of the YearLondon: 1936A beautiful first edition thus of Leigh Hunt's description of the 'beauties of the year', illustrated by Horace J. Knowles.
1904 British Fresh-Water FishesLondon: 1904The very smart first edition of this natural history on the fresh-water fishes of Britain, illustrated with coloured plates.
1912 The Charm of the HillsLondon: 1912A profusely illustrated, first edition of Seton Gordon's second book, presenting the beautiful nature of the Scottish highlands.
1863 Handbook of British Mosses; Comprising All That Are Known to be Natives of The British Isles.London: 1863A brightly illustrated, first edition of M. J. Berkeley's handbook of British mosses, complete with twenty-four plates.
1877-85 Familiar Wild FlowersLondon: [1877-85]A five volume set of Frederick Edward Hulme's beautifully colour illustrated works on wild flowers.
1930 Alpenflora: Die Verbreitetsten Alpenpflanzen von Bayern, Osterreich und der SchweizMunich: 1930A smart seventh edition of this guide to common alpine plants from Swiss botanist Gustav Hegi, with the original glassine wrap, in the original German.
1911 Alpine Plants of Europe, Together with Cultural HintsLondon: [1911]The first edition of this profusely illustrated botanical work on Alpine flowers by Harold Stuart Thompson.
1922 The Rainbow BridgeLondon: 1922An early edition of this posthumous travelogue from Reginald Farrer, with illustrations.