1833 The Practical Measurer; or, Tradesman and Wood Merchant's AssistantGlasgow : 1833An impressive practical measuring guide, intended for tradesmen and wood merchants, from Scottish physician Alexander Peddie.
1815-1829 An Account Book of Lamb & Sons of EdinburghEdinburgh: 1815-1829The fascinating early nineteenth century account book of an Edinburgh merchant named Lamb & Sons, largely concerning sales of books and furniture.
1875 The Character and Logical Method of Political EconomyNew York: 1875The second US edition of John Elliott Cairnes's argument that economics is a science of logical reasoning, which utilises assumptions about human behaviour to understand economic principles.
1817 Conversations on Political Economy; in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly ExplainedLondon: 1817The second edition of Jane Marcet's ground breaking economic work, popularising the ideas of Adam Smith, Malthus, and David Ricardo.
1880 A Short Inquiry into the Profitable Nature of Our InvestmentsLondon: 1880The vanishingly scarce first edition of R. L. Nash's guide to public securities and investments, partially compiled from his articles in The Economist.
1919 Mon Arithmetique, J'apprends a Compter Un! Deux! Trois!Paris: 1919A delightfully illustrated French language children's guide to mathematics and learning to count.
1783 Observations on Reversionary PaymentsLondon: 1783The two volume fourth edition of Richard Price's work on the proper method of calculating the values of contingent reversions.
1843 The Principles of Political EconomyEdinburgh: 1843A smart example of J. R. McCulloch's most popular work on economics, in a full calf signed binding by Hayday.
1818 Annals of Banks for SavingsLondon: 1818The vanishingly scarce first edition of Sir Francis Burdett's discussion of the rise, progress and importance of savings banks.
1584 Le Imprese Illustri Del Sor Ieronimo Ruscelli. Aggiuntovi Nuovam. Il Quarto Libro Da Vincenzo Ruscelli Da Viterbo.Venetia : 1583-4An early edition of Giralamo Ruscelli's scarce and important study of sciences and the occult, written in the original Italian and adorned with illustrations.
1771 Sherwin's Mathematical TablesLondon: 1771A scarce mathematical volume, containing a wealth of tables of logarithms.
1741 An Explanation of the Newtonian Philosophy, in Lectures Read to the YouthLondon: 1741The scarce second edition of E. Stone's English language translation of William-James S'Gravesande's work, teaching Newtonian mechanics.
1803 Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's PrinciplesLondon: 1803The eleventh edition of James Ferguson's informative and richly illustrated guide to astronomy and mathematics.
c1880 Hoppus's Practical Measurer; or, Measuring Made Easy by a New Set of TablesWakefield : c1880A bright copy of this practical measuring guide from Edward Hoppus, the introducer of the Hoppus unit of measure.
1865 Sur L'Origine de Nos Chiffres Lettre de M. L. AM. SedillotRome: 1865A copy of the letter written by Louis-Pierre-Eugene Sedillot to the Prince Baldassarre Boncompagni-Ludovisi on the origin of figures, in the original French.
1842-1843 A Treatise on Man and the Development of his Faculties; Principles of PhysiologyEdinburgh: 1842-1843The scarce first English translation of Adolphe Quetelet's work on statistics and social sciences, bound with Andrew Combe's 'Principles of Physiology'.
1949 Journal of the American Rocket Society. Number 79: December 1949New York: 1949The first edition of this December 1949 issue of the Journal of the American Rocket Society, discussing supersonic guided missiles, and rocket motor sweat cooling.
1949 Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. Vol. 8, No. 6: November, 1949London: 1949A very scarce issue of this fascinating scientific journal, discussing the de Havilland Sprite, amongst other topics.
1949-1954 Journal of the British Interplanetary SocietyLondon: 1949-1954The first edition of twenty-six issues and two annual reports of this fascinating scientific journal, including three articles from Arthur C. Clarke himself.
c1921 A Collection of Ten Plates From El Mundo Científico Inventos Modernos[Barcelona]: c1921A collection of ten colourful die-cut diagrams of various works of engineering, taken from the "El Mundo Científico Inventos Modernos" magazine.
1896 The Case Against BimetallismLondon: 1896A smart fourth edition of this study on bimetallism from Scottish statistician Sir Robert Giffen.
1865 Statistics Relative to Schools in Scotland Collected by the Registrars of Births, Deaths, and MarriagesEdinburgh: 1865A very scarce leather-bound report containing thorough statistics of Scotland's schools.
1898 Theoretical and Practical GraphicsNew York: 1898The first American edition of this very scarce study on mechanical drawing and geometry by Frederick Newton Willson, with many illustrations and diagrams throughout.
1844 Pensees de Blaise Pascal Precedees d'une Notice sur sa VieParis : 1844A French philosophical work from child prodigy and mathematician, Blaise Pascal, in the smart gilt-decorated cloth binding.
1562 Trattato delle Monete a Valuta LoroFiorenza [Florence]: 1562The very scarce first Italian language translation of Guillaume Budé's treatise on ancient coins and measures.
1805-1817 Recueil de Tables Progressives pour les Vibrations du Regulateur; TableGeneve [Geneva]: 1805-1817Two very scarce works from French watchmakers bound together, with 'Recueil de Tables Progressives pour les Vibrations du Regulateur' signed by Chastel himself. -
1678 A Sure Guide to the Practical SurveyorLondon: 1678A vanishingly scarce seventeenth century manual on practical surveying by John Holwell, illustrated with folding plates, the first and only edition of this work.
1808 The Tutor's Assistant; Being a Compendium of ArithmeticLondon: 1808Francis Walkingame's standard textbook on arithmetic, which remained the standard text on the subject for a century after its first publication.
1911 The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and MagnetismCambridge: 1911A very smart second edition of Jeans' mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism.
1968 Pascal, Filosofo CristaoPorto: 1968The first edition of this very scarce Portuguese language biography of Blaise Pascal, in a lovely half calf binding.
1878 Statistique du Pauperisme en Suisse Pendant L'Annee 1870Zurich: 1878A first edition copy of this scarce statistical work in French.
1772 Lecons Elementaires de Mathematiques, or Elemens D'Algebre et de GeometrieParis: 1772A new edition of this French mathematics volume, with folding plates.
1912 Les Fonctions Abeliennes et la Theorie des NombresToulouse: 1912The very scarce first edition of this early twentieth century study of abelian functions and number theory.
1851 Cours Complementaire d'analyse et de Mecanique RationnelleParis: 1851The first edition of this very mid-nineteenth French language guide to mechanics and mathematics, illustrated with four folding plates.
1885 Vorlesungen uber Allgemeine ArithmetikLeipzig : 1885A first edition copy of this German mathematics volume.
1985 An Anthology of NumberNot Stated: 1985An excellent copy of this very scarce work on the occult powers of numbers.