1952 The Song of Songs: A Fragmentary Wedding IdyllLondon: [1952]The first edition of this play based on the biblical poem the 'Song of Songs', with expressive drawings by Arthur Wragg.
1855 The Development of the Religious Idea in Judaism, Christianity, and MahomedanismLondon: 1855A smart copy of this translated series of lectures on religion and the religious idea from German rabbi Ludwig Philippson.
1795 Letters of Certain Jews to Monsieur VoltairePhiladelphia: 1795The very scarce first US edition of this collection of letters from Jewish intellectuals refuting Voltaire's criticisms of their faith.
1925 Balkis et Salomon Histoire de la Reine du Matin et du Prince des GeniesParis : 1925A pleasing limited edition copy of this story concerning Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, by French romanticism writer Gerard de Nerval.
1804 A Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian WorldLondon: 1804The ninth edition of Welsh Baptist minister John Evans's survey of the religious denominations of the Christian world.
1819 An Historical and Critical Enquiry into the Interpretation of the Hebrew ScripturesCambridge: 1819A scarce essay examining biblical translations from the original languages.
1947 The Vanished WorldNew York : 1947The first edition of this uncommon and important collection of photographs illustrating Jewish life in Europe in the 1920's and 30's.
1677 De Sacrificiis Libri Duo; Quorum Altero Explicantur Omnia JudaeorumLondini; [London]: 1677An uncommon first edition religious text by WIlliam Owtram, an important study on ritual sacrifices.
1762 Nouvelle Version des Psaumes Faite sur le Texte HebreuParis: 1762The first edition of this scholarly edition of the psalms of David, the result of a collaboration of several orientalists, but generally credited to Louis de Poix.
1874 Das Gebetbuch der Judischen Gemeinde zu BraunschweigBraunschweig: 1874A scarce Jewish prayer book from the community in Brunswick, in the original German language.
1854 The Jews: A Brief SketchLondon: 1854A very scarce work from Herschell on Jewish culture in the present and the future.
1939 East of EdenLondon: 1939The scarce first UK edition of Israel Joshua Singer's popular novel, 'East of Eden', with the original, unclipped dust wrapper.
1954 The King of SchnorrersLondon: 1954A beautifully illustrated limited edition copy of this amusing work about Jewish life in London.
Signed1880-1905 The MassorahLondon: 1880-1905A large first edition, limited, set of The Massorah by Christian David Ginsburg, signed by the author.
1879-1880 Lectures on the History of The Jewish ChurchLondon: 1879-1880A handsomely bound three volume set regarding the history of the Jewish church, complete in three volumes.
1923 The Song of SongsBerlin and Jerusalem: 1923Illustrated with twenty-six tipped in colour plates, this is Ze'ev Raban's beautifully illustrated bi-lingual edition of the Song of Songs, printed in both Hebrew and English.
1883 The Life and Work of St. PaulLondon, Paris & New York: 1883A lovely early edition of Frederic Farrar's history of St Paul with colour plates.
1909 The Hand-Book of LifeLondon: 1909The second edition of this volume of prayers and meditations for the sick and dying, a scarce work with text both in English and Hebrew.
1938 Fragments of the Hidden Years of JesusLondon: 1938A scarce work on the life of Jesus, signed by the anonymous author, 'The Scribe'.
1904 The Holy LandLondon: 1904A beautifully illustrated travel guide to the Holy Land of Jerusalem, complete with colour plates and topographical descriptions.
1728 Il Confessore Istruito OperettaNaples: 1728A work concerning the act of confession from Italian preacher and orator Paolo Segneri in a contemporary binding.
1700 Histoire des Juifs ecrite par Flavius JosephusAmsterdam: 1700A splendidly illustrated French translation of the writings of Flavius Josephus, translated by Arnauld d'Andilly.
1889 Lectures on the History of the Jewish ChurchNew York: 1889A smart, three volume Jewish history, complete with maps and plans. A new edition.
1890 Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady MontefioreChicage: 1890The first edition of this two volume, illustrated biography of these prominent Jewish philanthropists.
1906 2Vol Under the Syrian SunLondonvii [1], 1-: 1906A first edition account of a journey through Syria, illustrated with vibrant colour plates.
1853 Oriental and Sacred Scenes, Notes of Travel in Greece, Turkey and PalestineNew York: 1853The scarce first edition of this Biblical scholar's account of his travels in 'the further Orient'.
1910 The Historical Geography of the Holy LandLondon: 1910A Scottish Presbyterian theologian's geographical study of Palestine, and its relationship to Christianity.
1769 Opinions Des Anciens Sur Les Juifs, Reflexions Impartiales Sur L'Evangile & Discours Historique Sur L'ApocalipseLondon: 1769A scarce collection of Jean-Baptise de Mirabaud and Firmin Abauzit works on religion.
1786 Memorable Remarks Upon the Ancient and Modern State of the Jewish NationBolton: 1786Three uncommon religious works bound together. All were published by B Jackson in 1786.
1886 The Song of SongsLondon: 1886A scarce limited edition of the Tanakh's 'Song of Song', illustrated with beautiful plates after Alexandre Bida by Edmond Hedouin and Emile Boilvin.
1884 Le Cantique des Cantiques Traduit de l'Hebreu Ernest Renan Leather Fifth EditionParis: 1884Ernest Renan's French translation of the 'Song of Songs', in an attractive quarter crushed morocco binding with marbled paper boards.
1700 A Demonstration of the Messias Part III Richard Kidder Bishop of Bath WellsLondon: 1700The Rev Richard Kidder's text against the Jewish religion.
1825-1832 A Short and Easy Method With the Jews Deists Charles Leslie New Edition Very ScarceLondon: 1825-1832A very scarce copy, containing an 1832 edition of Charles Leslie's 'A Short and Easy Method With the Deists' bound with an 1825 copy of his 'A Short and Easy Method With the Jews'.
1759 Nathaniel Crouch Richard Burton Two Journeys to Jerusalem Uncommon JudaismLondon: 1759A scarce augmented version of Crouch's 'A Journey to Jerusalem'.