1970 The Religious Minorities of Chios: Jews and Roman CatholicsLondon: 1970An excellent example of the uncommon first edition of Argenti's scholarly study of the religious minorities of the Greek island of Chios, and the manner in which they have interacted with the dominant Greek Orthodox faith.
1950 The New Testament in the Moffatt TranslationLondon: 1950A smart, Zaehnsdorf-bound copy of Dr. James Moffatt's translation of the New Testament, the first edition thus.
1825 Epitres et EvangilesParis: 1825A French religious work, in a brilliant example of a Gothic Cathedral binding by the reviver of the style Joseph Thouvenin.
1950 Catholic LondonLondon: 1950A first edition copy of Douglas Newton's study of Catholic life in London, with the original dust wrapper.
1900 The Infancy of Our LordLondon: 1900A very scarce booklet on the birth of Christ, with beautiful colour illustrations and gilt detailing.
1765 Sacrosancti et Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini Paulo III, Julio III, et Pio IVLovanii: 1765An attractive mid-eighteenth century edition of Phillipe Chifflet's account of the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church, prompted by the Protestant Reformation.
1685 The Lives & Deaths Of the Holy Apostles Of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.London: 1685A vanishingly scarce, first edition of this biographical work surrounding the Holy Apostles of Jesus Christ, adorned with woodcut engravings.
c1530 Sactuariu Barlete Summa Diligetia Renisus Emendatus: Necnon Multis Adiunctis Plogis: Sermonibus Acnotabilib Illustratum.Not Stated: c1530A very scarce collection of Latin sermons written by fifteenth-century preacher, Gabriel Barletta, known as one of the most impressive orators of his time.
1870 St. Paul and Protestantism; With an Introduction on Puritanism and the Church of EnglandLondon: 1870The first edition of this collection of essays on the Church of England and puritanism.
1877 Last Essays on Church and ReligionLondon: 1877The first edition of Matthew Arnold's controversial essays critiquing religion.
1864 Apologia Pro Vita Sua: Being a Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled "What, Then, Does Dr. Newman Mean?".London: 1864The first edition in book form of Newman's spiritual and theological defences against Charles Kinglsley and the Church of England, with hand written notes by William Maynard Gomm.
1951 The Monastic Constitutions of LanfrancLondon: 1951The first UK translated edition of this account of the Medieval Benedictine monk and Archbishop, Lanfranc.
1864-9 Annales MonasticiLondon: 1864-9A complete collection of works on the history of monasticism in the middle ages.
c1936 The New Testament: A New TranslationLondon: c1936A new translation of the New Testament, beautifully illustrated with etchings by William Strang.
1867 The Parable of the Prodigal SonLondon: 1867A strikingly illustrated edition of the parable of the prodigal son, with notes by James Hamilton and illustrations by Henry Courtenay Selous.
1900 The Life and Death of Mr BadmanLondon: 1900A wonderfully illustrated edition of John Bunyan's accompaniment to The Pilgrim's Progress, with striking illustrations by George Woolliscroft Rhead and Louis Rhead.
c1830 Horæ Sacræ. Divine Ethics; Or, The Proverbs of Solomon, in Verse.London: c1830An extremely scarce work presenting Solomon's proverbs on divine ethics, compiled by C. Caldecott.
1724 The Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of S. Paul's in the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIIILondon: 1724The scarce first edition of Samuel Knight's biography of John Colet, a Catholic priest and Renaissance humanist.
c1775 ApocryphaNot Stated: c1775A smart late eighteenth century edition of the Apocrypha, in an attractive quarter morocco binding.
1871 English Reprints: Rede me and Be Nott WrotheLondon: 1871A collection of works by noteworthy English authors such as Sir Walter Raleigh, bound in quarter calf.
1807 Letters to a Prebendary: Being an Answer to Reflections on Popery, by the Rev. J. SturgesCork: 1807The fourth edition of the best known work of English Roman Catholic bishop and controversialist John Milner.
1846 The Church in the CatacombsLondon: 1846The first edition of Charles Maitland's illustrated description of 'the primitive Church of Rome'.
1863 English Sacred PoetryLondon, New York.: 1863A scarce richly illustrated anthology of major English religious poetry, selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott.
1763 The Book of Common PrayerLondon: 1763A richly illustrated, eighteenth century prayer book, containing 'The Book of Common Prayer', 'A Companion to the Altar' and 'The Whole Book of Psalms'.
1746-1751 Summa S. Thomae, Hodiernis Academiarum Moribus Accommodata, Sive Cursus TheologiaeLeodii: 1746-1751The very scarce nineteen volume first edition of Charles-Rene Billuart's impressive theological work, attractively bound in tree calf.
1891 Messes et VepresDijon: 1891A scarce pocket-sized copy of this collection of masses and vespers, in the original French.
1889 Petite Missel Romain Contenant L'Ordinaire de La Messe, La Messe de MariageTours : 1889A pleasing pocket book of this French Roman Missal, bound in full crushed morocco, with an accompanying slipcase.
1723 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great-Brittain, Relating to the Reformation, &cLondon: 1723A very scarce first edition of this charmingly illustrated account of the Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries.
1634 R.P.D. Antonini Diana Panormitani [...] Resolutiones Morales in Compendium RedactaeLugduni: 1634A scarce early edition of Antonino Diana's controversial work of moral theology, 'Resolutines Morales'.
1867 Paroissien Romain: Contenant les Offices du Dimanche et des Principales Fetes de L'AnneeDijon: 1867An ivorine-bound French language Catholic prayer book, including the gospel and the main feast days of the year.
1757 Elegantiae Latini Sermonis Seu Aloisia Sigaea ToletanaParis : 1757A new edition of Nicolas Chorier's scarce erotic novel, an important work considerd to be the first pornogrpahic work written in Latin.
1840 True Catholic and Apostolic Faith Maintained in the Church of EnglandLondon: 1840A very scarce new edition of this detailed study on Catholic faith and the Church of England.
1836 The End of Religious Controversy in a Friendly CorrespondenceLondon: 1836The eighth edition of this record of correspondence between a religious society of Protestants and a Catholic Divine.
1849 The History of St. Cuthbert: Or An Account of his Life, Decease and MiraclesLondon: 1849A scarce biographical work surrounding the life and legacy of St. Cuthbert, complete with three folding plates.
1895 Time Flies: A Reading DiaryLondon: 1895An early edition of Christina Rossetti's reflections on life and religion, presented as a collection of poetry and prose for every day in the year.
1910 The Saints in StoryLondon: 1910The first edition of this vanishingly scarce work by Mrs C. R. Peers on the saints and their stories, with numerous beautiful illustrations.