Bibliography & General
c1901 Bacon's Excelsior Map of CheshireLondon: c1901A scarce large folding map of Cheshire, by George Washington Bacon, a colourful and detailed reference map.
1868-1882 Publications of the Chaucer SocietyLondon: 1868-1882Five volumes of very scarce first edition publications from the Chaucer Society, offering critical insight into the different texts of the works of Chaucer.
1925 Ancient Egypt: Sources of Information in the New York Public LibraryNew York: 1925An attractive first edition of this impressive bibliography, detailing books from the New York Public Library on ancient Egypt.
1986 Marco Polo Bibliography 1477-1983Tokyo: 1986A smart first edition of this very scarce bibliography of Marco Polo's works and studies on his life from across the globe.
1867 Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library of the British MuseumLondon: 1867A smart catalogue of the Hebrew books held in the library of the British Museum as of 1867.
1929 Studies in Jewish Bibliography and Related Subjects in Memory of Abraham Solomon Freidus (1867-1923)New York: 1929The first edition of this bibliographical work documenting works by and about Abraham Solomon Freidus and Jewish studies, written in English, German and Hebrew, with articles in Hebrew to the rear.
1955-71 24Vols Bibliography on Southwestern Asia and Supplementary WorksFlorida,: 1955-71A collection of scarce bibliographies on Southwestern Asia by Henry Field and other collaborators, with numerous supplementary volumes, including one volume inscribed by the author. -
1887-98 Orientalische BibliographieBerlin: 1887-98An eleven volume scarce set of the 'Oriental Bibliography', an annual bibliography on Asian literature, bound in crushed quarter morocco.
1940 Bibliography of Chios, From Classical Times to 1936Oxford: 1940The very scarce first edition of Philip P. Argenti's impeccably researched and enormously detailed bibliography of Chios, the fifth largest Greek island.
2000 A Bibliography of A. Conan DoyleBoston : 2000A bright revised edition of this thorough bibliography of the work of Arthur Conan Doyle.
1985 Len Deighton: An Annotated Bibliography, 1954-1985Maidstone: 1985A fine first edition of this limited edition bibliography of the work of Len Deighton, inscribed by Deighton himself. -
1999 Edith Wharton's LibrarySettrington: 1999A signed copy of this scarce limited edition account of the books held by American novelist Edith Wharton in her personal library. -
1960 Catalogue of the Library and Literary Manuscripts of the Late Sir Max BeerbohmLondon: 1960A bright copy of this illustrated Sotheby catalogue, showcasing the library of caricaturist and parodist, Max Beerbohm.
1952 Parmi les Meilleurs Tables de FranceAngers: 1952A scarce limited edition guide to the best restaurants in France, this copy presented by Laperouse, one of the most famous restaurants in Paris.
1970 Catalogue of the Japanese Paintings and Prints in the Collection of Mr and Mrs Richard P. GaleLondon: 1970A superb example of this illustrated catalogue, detailing an impressive collection of Japanese paintings and prints.
1980 Dulwich Picture Gallery: A CatalogueLondon: 1980A lovely example of this extensive catalogue for the Dulwich Picture Gallery, with many colour and monochrome plates.
1862 British Ferns and Their AlliesLondon: 1862This new and illustrated edition of British Ferns and Their Allies by the celebrated botanist Thomas Moore, this copy in the very scarcely encountered original publisher's pictorial wraps.
1969 English Trout Flies: A Reference BookNew York : 1967The first US edition of this treasury of fly-fishing literature by W. H. Lawrie, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
c1895 The Scientific Angler Being a General and Instructive WorkOld Bailey; Ashbourn : No date [c. 1895]The sixth edition, fifth English issue of this illustrated guide to artistic angling with several colour plates, full bound in the original publisher's cloth with gilt titles.
1947 Shooting by Moor Field and ShoreLondon: No date [1947]This richly illustrated guide to modern shooting, the third volume in the Lonsdale Library of Sports, Games and Pastimes series published by Seeley, Service & Co.
1928 Jarrolds' Illustrated Guide to Fishing in Norfolk WatersLondon and Exchange Streets: No date [1928]This uncommon illustrated guide to fishing in Norfolk waters by A. J. Rudd, this copy with three near contemporary newspaper clippings from articles that appeared in the Mirror of Angling.
1949 How to Tie Flies for Trout and Grayling FishingLondon: 1949This handsome guide to trout and grayling fishing published by the offices of the Fishing Gazette, with several diagrams, full bound in the original publisher's rexine cloth.
1930 The Diary of Samuel PepysLondon: 1930The index volume of the important historical resource of the seventeenth century, Samuel Pepys' diary.
1980 Origins Orient and OrianaBrighton: 1980This first edition, first impression of an abundantly illustrated examination of the history and design faults of two important liners, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1893-98 Six Reference Works on the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History SocietyDevizes: 1893-98A volume of six scarce reference works on the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society and their collection in their lirbary.
1971 A Bibliography of Yeats Criticism 1887-1965London: 1971A smart first edition of this bibliographical study of Yeats criticism, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1951 The Record GuideLondon: 1951A very smart first edition of this precursor reference work for vinyl records of the 1950s.
1957-63 Three Ladybird Books of FloraLoughborough: 1957-1963This delightful trio of first edition, first impression illustrated Ladybird books by the naturalist Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald, with two of the original unclipped dust wrappers.
1842 The Army List for October 1842 by AuthorityLondon: 1842A smart copy of the annual British Army List for the year 1842, as of October that year.
1837 Gray's Annual Directory and Edinburgh Almanac 1836-1837Edinburgh: 1837A very scarce copy of this almanac of Edinburgh for the year 1836 to 1837.
1968 Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow Catalogue of Fine Antiquarian andGlasgow: 1968A very scarce catalogue of an auction held of the books held at the Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow.
1940 A New Bibliography of the County of CaithnessWick: 1940A smart first edition of this new bibliography of the historic county of Caithness in Scotland.
1911 Scottish Exhibition of Natural History, Art and Industry: Palace of History Catalogue of ExhibitsGlasgow : 1911A smart presentation copy of this extensive catalogue for the 1911 Scottish Exhibition of Natural History, Art and Industry.
1978 Sotheby's Catalogue of Printed Books: The Signet Library Edinburgh Part I and Part IILondon: 1978A scarce pair of Sotheby's catalogues for an auction held at the Signet Library, detailing the contents of the extensive collection.
1925 A Bibliography of the Parish of Annan: With Biographical Memoranda Respecting the Authors CataloguedDumfries : 1925A smart signed copy of this limited bibliography concerning publications closely associated with the Parish of Annan. -
1917 A Contribution to the Bibliography of Scottish TopographyEdinburgh : 1917The first edition of this impressively compiled bibliography concerning Scotland's topography.