Fleming, Ian

The name is Fleming, Ian Fleming. 'The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning.' and thus began Casino Royale, the first book in the most famous spy series in the world. James Bond. Bond was named after the author of a book on birds that was on Fleming's bookshelves in Goldeneye, his property in Jamaica to which he retired to after his time in Naval Intelligence. Though we can't help feeling that of all the various people that allegedly inspired the character of James Bond, it would have been by far preferable if he had been named for the flamboyant Paris MI-6 station head, Buffy Dunderdale. The name is Dunderdale. Buffy Dunderdale.
1963 Thrilling CitiesLondon: 1963A first edition, first impression of Ian Fleming's travelogue regarding a five-week all expenses paid trip to thirteen cities around the globe.