1892 Chirps and Chimes in Various KeysBrechin, Edinburgh and Glasgow: 1892The scarce first edition of this collection of songs from Brechin in the late nineteenth century.
2013 The High Fidelity Art of Jim FloraSeattle: 2013A scarce first edition of this collection of album covers from Jim Flora.
1935 The Musical-Box Annual: Tune and Rhyme for Nursery TimeLondon: 1935The first edition of this charming collection of musical pieces for children, illustrated throughout and in the scarce original dust wrapper.
1841 Songs Naval and National of the Late Charles DibdinLondon: 1841A handsomely bound first edition of this profusely illustrated collection of songs by Charles Dibdin.
2004 Bob Dylan Lyrics 1962-2001London : 2004A first edition first impression copy of Bob Dylan lyrics.
c1896 6vol Travis's Amateur OrganistLondon: c1896Six volumes of musical scores of the amateur organist, as published by Charles Jefferys.
1888 The Evolution of the Beautiful in Sound. A Treatise, in two SectionsManchester: 1888Henry Wylde provides a fascinating account of the development of various musical scales and tonal systems in this scarce first edition
1925 Haupt-Katalog Uber Alle Musik-InstrumenteSaxony: 1925A very scarce, near fine catalogue published by German musical instrument manufacturer Max Adler. A heavily illustrated volume, containing images and descriptions of uncommon instruments such as the normaphone
1885 Roadside Songs of TuscanyKent : 1885The illustrated first edition of this collection of roadside songs from Tuscany, translated and illustrated by Francesca Alexander, and edited by John Ruskin.
Signed1892 A Record of the Cambridge Centenary Commemoration of Wolfgang Amade MozartLondon : 1892A signed first edition copy of this record of the Cambridge Centenary commemorations of Mozart.
1875 Ballads and Songs of LancashireLondon: 1875A lyrical anthology of ancient and modern ballads and songs from Lancashire.
1875 English-Gipsy Songs in Rommany with Metrical English TranslationsLondon : 1875A fascinating volume of English-Gipsy Songs.
Signed1987 Automatic Musical Instruments Their Mechanics and Their Music 1580-1820Netherlands: 1987A presentation copy of the first edition of this dissertation study signed and inscribed by the author.
1781 The Vocal Magazine; or, Compleat British SongsterLondon: 1781A charming volume of popular British songs of the Georgian era, illustrated with entertaining portrait plates.
Signed1934 Faint HarmonyLondon: 1934A signed presentation copy of the very scarce first edition of this 1930s novel by English musical comedy composer Vivian Ellis.
1903 Bold Turpin A Romance as Sung by Sam WellerLondon, New York and Bombay: 1903The scarce first edition of this lovely illustrated song book for children from the early twentieth century.
1904 The Tunes of the Clumber HymnalLondon: 1904A very scarce superbly bound collection of hymns sung at the chapel built by the 7th Duke of Newcastle, striking in a full navy morocco binding with gilt detailing.
1876 An Elementary Treatise on Musical Intervals and TemperamentLondon : 1876A first edition copy of this work, An Elementary Treatise on Musical Intervals and Temperament.
1888 The Besom MakerLondon: 1888A first edition collection of country folk songs, collected and illustrated by Heywood Sumner.
1920 I Wonder Why Sixteen Songs for the ChildrenLondon: 1920The uncommon first edition of this collection of children's songs by Alfred Scott-Gatty with beautiful colour plates by W. Graham Robertson.
Signed1923 PollyLondon: 1923A beautifully illustrated edition of Polly by John Gay, limited edition signed by the illustrator William Nicholson.
1921 The Beggar's OperaLondon: 1921Illustrated with eight tipped in costume plates, this is a bright copy of Claud Lovat Fraser's illustrated edition of Gay's 'Beggar's Opera'.
Signed1926 PasticheLondon: 1926A signed, limited edition of this illustrated collection of letterpress pieces regarding music.
Signed1926 PasticheLondon: 1926A signed, limited edition of this illustrated music-room book by Yvonne Cloud.
c1850 Handel's Oratorio "Judas Maccabaeus"London: c1850The scarce Centenary Edition of Vincent Novello's arrangement of Handel's Oratorio, 'Judas Maccabaeus'.
1949-1950 Historical Anthology of MusicCambridge, Massachusetts: 1949-1950A smart two volume set of this interesting history of music, in the original dust wrappers, and containing an abundance of informative sheet music.
Signed1999 HutchLondon: 1999A signed first edition of Breese's biography of Leslie Hutchinson, in the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1848 The Musical BijouLondon: 1848The very scarce first edition of this album of music and poetry for the year 1848 in quarter calf binding with colour chromolithographs.
c1864 La Scala A re-issue of Celebrated Italian Songs from Modern OperasLondon : c1864An interesting collection of celebrated Italian songs from modern operas.
1888 Modern Street BalladsLondon: 1888An extensive collection of historical, political, social, and sea street ballads, replete with numerous in-text illustrations.
1973 The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library Catalogue of the English Folk Dance and Song SocietyLondon: 1973A first edition of this catalogue of folk dance and song from the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, in excellent condition.
1851 The Book of English SongsLondon: 1851A first edition, later printing of this collection of English songs from the mid nineteenth century with illustrations.
1891 Real Sailor-SongsLondon : 1891A collection of sailor songs and poems that are richly illustrated with woodcuts throughout.
1973 Irish Folk Music: a Fascinating HobbyYorkshire : 1973Illustrated study of Irish folk music by Capt. Francis O'Neil.
c1885 St. Nicholas SongsLondon: c1885Very scarce copy of this large paper book of illustrated musical sheets concerning St. Nicholas, the first edition.
1829 The Scottish SongsEdinburgh: 1829The first edition of Volume I of this collection of Scottish songs from the early nineteenth century in quarter calf binding and slipcase.