1900 Words on Wellington by Sir William FraserLondon: 1900An illustrated copy of this biographical work on the Duke of Wellington by Sir William Fraser.
1936 Napoleon and WaterlooLondon: 1936A scarce illustrated work in on Napoleon and Waterloo in a very scarce dust wrapper, written by Major. A. F. Becke.
1903 Naples in 1799London: 1903A very scarce illustrated first edition of this work on the revolution in Naples in 1799 by Constance H. D. Giglioli.
1982 Goodbye Mickey MouseLondon: 1982A first edition of this work of wartime fiction by Len Deighton.
1971 Declarations of WarLondon: 1971A first edition of this collection of short stories on war by Len Deighton.
1946 The Herald of GodLondon: 1946A scarce first edition of this novel depicting remarkable events from the Second World War.
1957 The Legion of the DamnedLondon: 1957A moving translation of Sven Hassel's novel following a soldier who is forced to fight for Germany during the Second World War.
2014-2017 Damage; 1934 A Novel of Peace or WarLondon: 2014-2017A well presented pair of novels on the subject of the First and Second World Wars, by British author D. G. Holliday. -
1927 Journal of the Waterloo Campaign Kept Throughout the Campaign of 1815London: 1927A smart edition of this detailed firsthand account of the Waterloo Campaign of 1815.
1900-1902 4vols With the Flag to Pretoria and After PretoriaLondon: 1900-1902The first edition of this richly illustrated four volume work on the history of The Boer War, with folding maps.
1929 Three Personal Records of the WarLondon: 1929A first edition of this selection of stories of experiences during the First World War, with maps.
1929 Three Personal Records of the WarLondon: 1929A smart first edition copy of this collection of three accounts of the First World War, with maps.
1930 Songs and Slang of the British Soldier: 1914-1918London: 1930The second edition of this charming work by John Brophy and Eric Partridge, cataloguing favourite songs and slangs of soldiers during the First World War. Including two handwritten letters by Eric Partridge loosely inserted. -
1946 A School of Purposes : Fougasse Posters 1939-1945London: 1946An informative collection of Fougasse posters from 1939-1945, introduced by A. P. Herbert.
1948 A Dictionary of Forces Slang 1939-1945London: 1948An amusing collaboration of ex-military veterans, presenting their experience of slang in the British army, navy and air force between 1939 and 1945.
1870 The Conscript: A Tale of the French War of 1813London: 1870An illustrated translation of Erckmann-Chatrian's tale of the French war of 1813.
1924 On the Road with Wellington: The Diary of a War Commissary in the Peninsula CampaignsLondon: 1924A first edition of this translated account of a war commissary in the Peninsula Campaigns, with illustrations.
1852 Poetical Illustrations of the Achievements of the Duke of Wellington and his Companions in ArmsEdinburgh: 1852A collection of poetry surrounding the achievements of the Duke of Wellington and his companions.
1908 The Campaign of 1815 Chiefly in FlandersEdinburgh: 1908A detailed work surrounding the campaign at Waterloo in 1815 and the defeat of Napoleon.
1907 Wellington's Campaigns Peninsula - Waterloo 1808-15 Also Moore's CampaignLondon: 1907The first edition in one volume of this very detailed study on Wellington's military campaigns during the Napoleonic Wars, illustrated with many folding maps and plans.
1884 Passages in the Early Military Life of General Sir George T. NapierLondon: 1884A first edition of this collection of writings from Sir George Thomas Napier, a presentation copy from the publisher.
c1873 2vol British Battles on Land and SeaLondon: c1873Two of three volumes on the history of British battles and warfare, with illustrations.
1838-1840 4vol Tales of the WarLonson: 1838-1840A scarce set of this military periodical detailing the Napoleonic Wars, in four volumes.
1900 The Great Boer WarLondon: 1900The first edition, fourth impression of Conan Doyle's successful study of the Boer War, with folding maps.
1872 The Old Colonel and the Old Corps with a View of Military EstatesLondon: 1872A scarce second edition of this important military treatise from Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. S. Gleig.
1899 The Last Boer WarLondon: 1899The first edition of H Rider Haggard's account of the First Boer War of 1880-1.
1857 Letters From Head-Quarters; or, the Realities of the War in CrimeaLondon: 1857The second edition of the collected letters written by Somerset Gough-Calthorpe during the Crimean War.
1908 The Crown of Wild OliveLondon: 1908A scarce edition of this collection of four lectures from John Ruskin.
1925 A Carranca da PazParis: 1925The first edition of the very scarce fifth volume of Agostinho de Campos's six volume study of the Great War.
1827 3 Volumes Histoire de La FrondeParis : 1827Auguste-Félix-Charles de Beaupoil details the events of La Fronde in these attractive leather bound volumes.
1799 Memorie Istoriche Riguardanti la Vita, e le Imprese Militari di Sua Altezza Reale l'Arciduca CarloFirenze [Florence]: 1799A bright copy of the very scarce Italian language translation of Archduke Karl's memoirs.
1972 Wellington in IndiaLondon: 1972The first edition of Jac Weller's historical study of Arthur Wellesley's triumphs in India.
1871 The "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo"London: 1871The third edition of this verse scarce pamphlet outlining the history of the Franco-Prussian War in verse.
1761 Reasons in Support of the War in GermanyLondon: 1761A very scarce first edition copy of this response to Israel Mauduit's popular pamphlet Considerations on the Present German War.
1730 Considerations on the Present State of Affairs in EuropeLondon: 1730An uncommon first edition copy of this fascinating pamphlet discussing the affairs in Europe with regard to the British forces.
1836 The Army List, for July, 1836London: 1836A very scarce reference work containing the Army list for July 1836.