Naval & Military History
Legendary battles and heroes of years gone by. Classic tales of conflict and bravery from around the world and the seven seas.
1847 6vols The Naval History of Great BritainLondon: 1847A complete set of William James's comprehensive history of Britain's Royal Navy, uniformly bound in full calf.
1955 The Mint: A Day-Book of the R. A. F. Depot Between August and December 1922London: 1955An exceptional limited edition example of T. E. Lawrence's memoirs of his time enlisted in the Royal Air Force.
1915 J'accuseLondon: 1915The first UK edition of this anti-war book which was banned in Germany due its condemning of their foreign policies.
1939-41 'Left Book Club' Works on Socialism and Finances During World War TwoLondon: 1939-41Four volumes of left-wing works from the Left Book Club on the war and Nazi Germany, published during World War Two.
1933-45 'Left Book Club' Works on Nazi Germany and World War TwoLondon: 1939-45Three volumes of left-wing works from the 'Left Book Club' on the war and Nazi Germany, published during World War Two.
1956-9 Manual of Civil Defence: Vol 1 Pamphlet 1 and 2, Nuclear Weapons and Radioactive Fall-OutLondon: 1956-9Two scarce volumes of the the 'Manual of Civil Defence' from the Home Office, providing information on nuclear warfare during the Cold War.
1941-3 Fire Over London and Bombers Over MerseysideLondon; Liverpool: 1941-3Two fascinating historical illustrated pamphlets on the Blitz, providing insight into the bombings in London during World War Two.
1941 Liverpool Fire Report: Fires Caused by Hostile ActionLiverpool : 1941A fascinating and unique original source typed report detailing the May Blitz on Liverpool between the 1st and the 7th May, 1941, highlighting the crucial role of the Central Fire Department during this extremely damaging period.
1944 Report Improvements and Town Planning Committee: Preliminary Draft Proposals for Post War Reconstruction in the City of LondonLondon: 1944A bright, first edition of this collection of plans surrounding the reconstruction of London following the Second World War, profusely illustrated with folding maps and plates.
1900 Celebrities of the ArmyLondon: 1900This richly illustrated catalogue of more than seventy major figures in the British Army, quarter bound in morocco leather with gilt titles.
c1943 Recognition Handbook of British Aircraft: Part 2. Sections E to J.London : c1943A very scarce handbook published by the Air Ministry presenting the different types of British aircraft in photographs and diagrams, with this volume containing sections E to J.
1799 The Conduct of Great Britain, Vindicated Against the Calumnies of Foreign Enemies and Domestic Conspirators; Since the Aera of the Commencement of the Present War With France.London: 1799A very scarce work presenting Charles Tweedie's views of Britain's conduct during the Anglo-French War at the end of the eighteenth century.
1711 The Management Of War. In a Letter To A Tory-Member: First and Second Letters.London: 1711The first edition of two letters written to "a Tory-Member" concerning the management of the War of the Spanish Succession.
1739 The Grand Question, Whether War, or no War, with SpainLondon: 1739The first edition of this controversial work arguing the government's position against a war with Spain, written by the brother of the prime minister, Baron Horatio Walpole.
1926 The Honourable Artillery Company 1537-1926London: 1926A first edition of this illustrated history of the Honourable Artillery Company of the British Army.
1953 Jane's Fighting Ships 1952-53London: 1953The 1953 edition of 'Janes' Fighting Ships', a heavily illustrated annual on naval ships from around the world.
1886 The Annals of the Yeomanry Cavalry of WiltshireLiverpool: 1886The first edition of this illustrated historical account of the Prince of Wales' regiment.
c1890 2vol History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans and Highland RegimentsLondon: c1890A two volume set of this new edition of Keltie's work on the history of the Scottish Highlands, with illustrations.
1842 The Army List for October 1842 by AuthorityLondon: 1842A smart copy of the annual British Army List for the year 1842, as of October that year.
1900 Ian Hamilton's MarchLondon: 1900The second edition of Winston Churchill's personal account depicting his experiences during the Second Boer War.
1901 Chaplains at the Front: Incidents in the Life of a Chaplain during the Boer WarLondon: 1901A smart first edition of this illustrated account of life during the Boer War as a chaplain, signed by the author. -
1944 Navies in ExileLondon: 1944A smart first edition of this detailed study into Navies fighting outside of their own countries. With the vanishingly scarce original unclipped dust wrapper.
1900 Forty-One Years in India from Subaltern to Commander-in-ChiefLondon: 1900This uncommon, new edition in one volume of Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar's account of his military career in India, replete with forty-four illustrations including several folding maps.
1945 LovingLondon: Henry GreenThe scarce first edition of this novel by Henry Green following the happenings of an Irish country house during the Second World War.
1893 The Great Betrayal: or, The Invasion of East AngliaHertford: 1893A second edition copy of this very scarce sketch.
1918 On Heaven and Poems Written on Active ServiceLondon: 1918The first edition of this collection of poems by Ford Madox Hueffer on his wartime experiences.
1908 The Last Fight of the RevengeLondon: 1908A smart copy of this illustrated history following the last battle of the English race-built galleon Revenge.
1895 Recollections of a Military LifeLondon: 1895A bright example of the first edition of John Adye's memoir of his military life between the years 1854 and 1882.
1937 The Disasters of the WarLondon: 1937Francisco De Goya's impactful etchings depicting the horrors of the Spanish uprising in 1808.
1865 CawnporeLondon: 1865A smartly bound first edition of this account of the massacre at Cawnpore from British statesman Sir Georg Otto Trevelyan.
1945 The Two Types: Being the Saga of the Two Jaunty HeroesNone stated: [1945]A humorous wartime comic about two jaunty heroes, published by the British Army Newspaper.
c1871 The German Conquest of England in 1875 and Battle of Dorking; or, Reminiscences of a VolunteerPhiladelphia: c1871The first edition of this fictional future war novella by George Tomkyns Chesney.
1927 Right Off the Map, A NovelLondon: 1927A special limited edition of Charles Edward Montague's anti-war novel, signed by the author. -
1960 Warriors for the Working DayLondon: 1960A bright first edition, first impression of Peter Elstob's best-known novel, based on the author's experiences of the Battle of Normandy.
1917 The Tale of a Casualty Clearing StationEdinburgh: 1917The first edition of this very scarce autobiographical account of the author's experiences during WWI while being posted at a casualty clearing station.
1940 Nordic TwilightLondon: 1940The first edition of this Macmillan War Pamphlet containing E. M. Forster's important statement of his belief in the British effort during the Second World War.