Great works of literature, often in their first edition. Classic and familiar stories as well as tales you have never heard before. We go back through four hundred years of storytelling.
1809 Atala; ou Les Amours de Deux Sauvages dans le Desert: Suivie de ReneLondres: 1809An uncommon copy of these two novellas in the original French in one volume by Francois-Auguste Chateaubriand.
c1890 Oeuvres de Sully Prudhomme: Poesies 1872-1878Paris: c1890A smart collection of the poetical works of French writer Sully Prudhomme between the years of 1872 and 1878, in the original French.
1938 Miss BendixLondon: 1938The uncommon first edition of this comical novel about the Catholic faith, by prolific English author Naomi Royde-Smith.
1926 La Litterature Francaise Contemporaine Etudiee Dans Les TextesLondon: 1926A scarce edition of this critical work on contemporary French literature, in the original French.
1925 This Charming Green Hat-Fair (Myickle Baalamb)London: [1925]The first edition of this scarce parody on the popular novel of Michael Arlen.
1978 Little LivesNew York : 1978A lovely review copy of this charming, witty book of mini biographies, based in a small town in Washington County.
1897 A Galahad of the Creeks, and, The Widow LamportToronto: 1897A scarce edition of two novels in one volume by Sidney Levett-Yeats, an adventure novel and a melodrama.
1957-8 Rupert AnnualsLondon: 1957-58Two Rupert Bear annuals from the years 1957 and 1958, with Alfred Bestall's original illustrations.
1933 Ten TalesLondon: 1933A very scarce collection of the short stories of nineteenth century Irish journalist William Maginn.
1965 SextetParis: 1965The last novel of the Traveller's Companion series by Olympia Press, a Paris-based publisher best known for its erotic fiction.
1965 SextetParis: 1965The last novel of the Traveller's Companion series by Olympia Press, a Paris-based publisher best known for its erotic fiction.
1965 SextetParis: 1965The last novel of the Traveller's Companion series by Olympia Press, a Paris-based publisher best known for its erotic fiction.
1928 The Common RoundLondon: 1928A signed copy of the very scarce first edition of Dolores Charlotte Frederica Harding's day-in-the-life novel. -
1914 Cupid's CaterersLondon: 1914The first edition of this curious satirical novel, poking fun at the world of female magazines, a very scarce work by Ward Muir.
1923 Some Plain - Some ColouredLondon: 1923A signed presentation copy of the first edition of this very scarce short story collection by Scottish journalist and author J.J. Bell. -
1860 The Chronicles of the CrutchLondon: 1860The first edition of this scarce novel looking at the life of the poor in France, by William Blanchard Jerrold.
1967 Looking for Baby ParadiseNew York : 1967A very smart first edition of this dark comedy following a man's recollection of the last few months spent at a youth community centre.
1967 Looking for Baby ParadiseNew York : 1967The proof copy of this mordantly humorous novel, based on the author's time spent working in a Manhattan youth centre.
1983 A Difference of DesignNew York: 1983The first edition of W. M. Spackman's novel portraying women in love, with the scarce uncorrected proof.
1879-c1880 2vol Not Wisely, But Too Well & NancyLondon: 1879-c1880Two smart novels from Welsh author Rhoda Broughton, known for her sensationalism.
1894 The White Crown and Other StoriesBoston and New York: 1894The first edition of this scarce anthology of tales by American author, Herbert Dickinson Ward. -
1954 The Huge SeasonNew York: 1954The first edition of this novel by Wright Morris on the effects of the jazz age on two friends, in the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1991 The Night TravellersNew York : 1991A lovely review copy of this romantic drama novel based in the Vietnam War days.
1856 Craigcrook CastleLondon: 1856A signed presentation copy of the scarce first edition of Gerald Massey's poetry collection. Including the author's own manuscript corrections, which were made to the second edition, published in the same year. -
1968 Ship Island and Other StoriesNew York : 1968A signed first edition of this wonderful collection of short stories, two of which are O. Henry Award winners. -
1951 Man and BoyNew York: 1951The advanced reading copy of Wright Morris's novel, in the original advanced issue dust wrapper.
1952 This Crooked WayNew York : 1952The first edition of this thrilling novel about a power hungry and cruel man's rise to power, in the original dust wrapper.
1971 Inside DopeNew York : 1971An attractive scarce copy of this intriguing work reminiscing on the authors unique depiction of life during the 1960's.
1992 The Lost FatherNew York : 1992A signed advance reading copy of this autobiographical fiction, based on Mona Simpson's own experiences searching for her biological father. -
c1908 Queen - But No QueenLondon: c1908A very scarce historical romance focusing on Philip II of Spain, an interesting novel, illustrated with a frontispiece. -
1836 Stanfield's Coast Scenery: A Series of Views of the British ChannelLondon: 1836The first edition of this collection of early steel engravings depicting views from the British Channel by Clarkson Stanfield, with descriptions of the locations.
1976 In a Shallow GraveNew York : 1976A very scarce proof copy of this short story by American author James Purdy, a compassionate story centred around a love triangle between three men.
1980 A Presence with SecretsNew York : 1980A very scarce proof copy of this novel depicting thirty years of amorous encounters between the protagonist and his lovers.
1980 A Quest of LoveLondon: 1980An advanced proof copy of the uncommon first edition of the autobiography of English archaeologist and writer Jacquetta Hawkes.
1870 Les VacancesParis: 1870Am illustrated children's novel by the countess of Segur from her 'Fleurville' trilogy, written in French and bound by Carswell in half calf with cloth to the boards.
1989 Cannibal KissNew York : 1989A lovely review copy of this dream-like novel by writer, poet and Zen master, Daniel Odier, better known as Delacorta.