Great works of literature, often in their first edition. Classic and familiar stories as well as tales you have never heard before. We go back through four hundred years of storytelling.
2002 America and Americans and Selected NonfictionNew York: 2002An advance uncorrected proof copy of this collection of previously uncollected essays by John Steinbeck.
1968 By-Line: Ernest Hemingway: Selected Articles and Dispatches of Four DecadesLondon: 1968A lovely first edition of this collection of Hemingway's articles and dispatches, with commentaries by Philip Young.
1897 The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular PhilosophyLondon; New York; Bombay: 1897The first edition of this important volume of philosophical essays by William James.
1946 Mainly on the AirLondon: 1946A series of essays and radio broadcasts by Max Beerbohm, a review copy, given by T. R. Fyvel to Roy Fuller
1922 A Defence of CosmeticsNew York: 1922The first edition in book form of Max Beerbohm's controversial and sensational essay on cosmetics, uncommon to see, especially in the original dust wrapper.
1978 The History of the Science Fiction Magazine: Part 4, 1956-1965London: 1978A bright first edition copy of Part 4 of Ashley's history of American science fiction magazines, covering 1956 until 1965.
1975 The History of the Science Fiction Magazine: Part 2, 1936-1945London: 1975A first edition copy of Part 2 of Ashley's history of American science fiction magazines, covering 1936 until 1945.
1976 Lovecraft: A BiographyLondon: 1976A first UK edition copy of de Camp's critically acclaimed biography of the notable author H. P. Lovecraft, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1972 Heinlein in Dimension, and, In Search of WonderChicago: 1972Two of Advent's important critical publications on science fiction, by Alexei Panshin and Damon Knight.
1967-74 A Requiem For Astounding, All Our Yesterdays, More Issues at HandChicago: 1967-74A set of three scholarly critical works on science fiction, published by the first scholarly publisher of the genre, Advent.
1986 Lovecraft's Providence and Adjacent PartsWest Kingston, Rhode Island: 1986A smart copy of the revised and enlarged second edition of this handbook to places in Providence related to H. P. Lovecraft.
1910 Yet AgainNew York: 1910The vanishingly scarce first American edition of this collection of essays by Max Beerbohm.
1950-1 And Even Now and Yet AgainLondon: 1950-1Two collections of essays by Max Beerbohm, in the original dust wrappers and vanishingly scarce original glassine covers.
1912 A Christmas GarlandLondon: 1912The first edition of Max Beehbohm's collection of parodies of popular authors such as Hardy and Kipling, with photocopies of the author's handwritten notes.
1929 Do What You Will: EssaysLondon: 1929A very pleasing first edition of this philosophical essay collection from 'Brave New World' author, Aldous Huxley.
1985 All What Jazz: A Record Diary 1961-1971London: 1985The revised edition of Philip Larkin's influential reflections and reviews of modern jazz.
1949 Sergeant ShakespeareLondon: 1949A smart first edition of this intriguing study into a lesser known period of Shakespeare's life, during which the author proposes he spent as a soldier.
1720 The Life and Character of Mr. John PhilipsLondon: 1720The third edition of Mr. Sewell's scarce account of the life and literary output of poet John Philips.
c1880-1890 14vol A Collection of the Chandos ClassicsLondon: c1880-1890Including Edgar Allen Poe, a smart collection of fourteen volumes from the Chandos Classics series.
1894 Under LochnagarAberdeen: 1894The very scarce limited edition, editio de luxe, of this handsomely illustrated literary collection. -
1877 The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age: VirgilLondon: 1877The first edition of W. Y. Sellar's informative study of the Augustan poet Virgil, in a full calf binding.
1849 Evenings at Derley Manor: Pencilings and Sketches of the English Poets and Their Favourite ScenesLondon: 1849A smart first edition of this very scarce collection of writings on important English poets, with a colour frontispiece.
1861 The Autobiography of Leigh HuntLondon: 1861A smart 'New Edition' of the autobiography of English critic, essayist and poet Leigh Hunt.
1944-1949 2vol Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889)London: 1944-1949A first edition copy of this two volume study into the life and poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
1893-98 Six Reference Works on the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History SocietyDevizes: 1893-98A volume of six scarce reference works on the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society and their collection in their lirbary.
2008 Words in Air Complete Correspondence Elizabeth Bishop and Robert LowellLondon: 2008The U.K. first edition, first impression of this illuminating collection of letters exchanged by Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1985 Dante's Comedy: Introductory Readings of Selected CantosCambridge: 1985A smart first edition of this introduction to Dante's Divine Comedy from Italian literary critic Uberto Limentani.
1970 The Myth of the Golden Age in the RenaissanceLondon: 1970A beautifully written critical and historical interpretation of the myth of the golden age in Renaissance, being the publisher's review copy.
1969 Auden's PoetryLondon: 1969A first edition of this critical study of the poetry of British-American writer W. H. Auden, a review copy.
1879-1880 The Literary Works of Sir Joshua ReynoldsLondon: 1879-1880A very smart pair of volumes containing Sir Joshua Reynolds' series of lectures, 'Discourses on Art' and other essays.
1843 The Sketch Book of Geoffrey CrayonLeipzig : 1843The Tauchnitz Edition of Washington Irving's popular essay and short story collection.
1989 Letters of Leonard WoolfSan Diego, New York, London: 1989This first edition, first impression collection of letters by the political theorist Leonard Woolf, husband of the esteemed modernist author Virginia Woolf, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1807 Descriptive Catalogue of a Choice Assemblage of Original Pictures. In Three Parts. Part First.Edinburgh: 1807George Walker's vanishingly scarce discussion of important works of art produced in the later decades of the eighteenth century.
1861 On Translating Homer Three Lectures Given at OxfordLondon: 1861A smart first edition of these published lectures on translations of Homer's work from English cultural critic Matthew Arnold.