Great works of literature, often in their first edition. Classic and familiar stories as well as tales you have never heard before. We go back through four hundred years of storytelling.
1986 Skywriting by Word of MouthLondon: 1986The first UK edition of this posthumously published collection of writing by John Lennon, containing autobiographical and personal details.
1957 The Spy's Bedside BookLondon: 1957A bright first edition of Graham and Hugh Greene's book of tips and tricks for aspiring spies, in the publisher's unclipped dust wrapper.
1975 Cold Hand in MineLondon: 1975A superior copy of the scarce first UK edition of this collection of eight short stories from Robert Aickman, including his award-winning tale 'Pages from a Young Girl's Journal'.
1983 The Compass RoseLondon: 1983A fine example of the first UK edition of this anthology of science fiction and fantasy short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin.
1996 Conference with the Dead: Tales of Supernatural TerrorPenyffordd, Chester: 1996A fine example of the first edition of this limited edition collection of terrifying supernatural tales set around author Terry Lamsley's Derbyshire hometown.
1879-80 The Works of Charles DickensLondon: 1879-80A complete thirty volume illustrated collection of works by the noted Victorian author, Charles Dickens, including his most popular works such as 'Oliver Twist' and 'Nicholas Nickleby', and in a half calf binding by John Dale.
1980 CompanyLondon: 1980An exceptional example of the first UK edition of Samuel Beckett's celebrated novella, containing some of his most often quoted passages and monologues.
1946 Spanish Blood: A Collection of Short StoriesCleveland and New York: 1946The first edition of this collection of five exciting crime stories from Raymond Chandler, in the original dust wrapper.
1921 Stories of the EastRichmond: 1921The first edition of one of only three hundred copies of this collection of short stories by Leonard Woolf. A wonderful publication hand printed by Leonard and Virginia from a letterpress stationed in their own home.
1994-99 A Collection of Six Signed Peter Lovesey NovelsLondon: 1994-99A brilliant set of six signed first editions by British author Peter Lovesey. -
1922 Ghost-Stories of an AntiquaryLondon: 1922The sixth impression of M. R. James's first collection of eight macabre ghost stories, in the publisher's original cloth bindings.
1933 The Hound of Death and Other StoriesLondon: 1933The first edition of the Agatha Christie short story collection which includes 'The Witness for the Prosecution', later adapted into the hugely popular stage play.
1962 Poirot InvestigatesLondon: 1962A bright example of the scarce 1962 Bodley Head re-issue of Agatha Christie's early collection of eleven short stories starring Hercule Poirot.
1757 FablesLondon: 1757A smart edition of the fables of John Gay, an illustrated collection of sixty-six fables.
1914 Tanglewood TalesLondon: 1914Nathaniel Hawthorne's delightful retellings of Greek myths for children, beautifully illustrated by Milo Winter.
1894 3vol The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and MarvelsLondon: 1894A smart set of Richard Harris Barham's popular collection of fantastical short stories, illustrated throughout.
1919 Recits de la Vieille France: Francois BuchamorParis: 1919A smart twentieth century edition of Alfred Assollant's collection of tales about titular character François Buchamor's adventures during the events of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
1910 Rewards and FairiesLondon: 1910A smart first edition of Rudyard Kipling's historical-fantasy collection of short stories.
1894-1901 28vol The Works of Robert Louis StevensonLondon: 1894-1901A smart limited edition set of the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, from the Edinburgh Edition.
1899-1937 Rudyard Kipling's WorksLondon: 1899-1937A smart collection of Rudyard Kipling's beloved works, including the first editions of 'Traffics and Discoveries', 'Debits and Credits' and others.
1926 The Two Jungle BooksLondon: 1926A handsomely bound second impression of the first thin paper edition of 'The Two Jungle Books'.
1918 4vol A Collection of Short Naval Stories from "Bartimeus"London: 1918Four smart uniformly bound volumes of naval stories from English writer "Bartimeus".
1904 Aesop's FablesLondon: 1904A very pleasing copy of Aesop's Fables, being a particularly scarce edition with illustrations by Maude U. Clarke.
1892 Wonder Book for Girls and BoysLondon: 1892A wonderfully illustrated edition of this children's book of Greek myths by Nathaniel Hawthorne, with colour plates by Walter Crane.
1918 'Twixt Land & Sea TalesLondon: 1918A smartly bound collection of three short stories from Polish-British writer Joseph Conrad.
1911/1912 Stories from Hans AndersenLondon: 1911/1912A beautifully illustrated edition of the beloved children's stories and fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen, with colour plates from Edmund Dulac.
1865 The Ingoldsby Legend or Mirth and MarvelsLondon: 1865A lovely copy of the Carmine edition of Richard Harris Barham's popular collection of fantastical short stories, illustrated throughout.
2002 Little InfamiesLondon: 2002An excellent signed first edition of this short-story collection by Greek writer Panos Karnezis. -
2007 Chemistry and Other StoriesNew York: 2007A smart first edition, second impression of this short story collection from American writer Ron Rash, signed to the title page. -
c1910 The Ingoldsby Legends and The Queen's MariesLondon: c1910A pleasing pair of works from Collins' illustrated pocket classics, uniformly bound in very smart limp morocco.
1990 I Cannot Get You Close Enough: Three NovellasBoston: 1990A first edition, first impression of Ellen Gilchrist's collection of three novellas exploring love and family in Southern America.
1930 Just So Stories For Little ChildrenLondon: 1930A handsome copy of Rudyard Kipling's classic children's story collection.
1954 Quite Early One Morning: broadcasts by Dylan ThomasLondon: 1954A first impression of this collection of the broadcasts of Dylan Thomas, in the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1970 I Sing the Body Electric!London: 1970An anthology of short stories by Ray Bradbury, a brilliant collection of his sci-fi, a smart copy of the first edition.
1988 The Collected Arthur MachenLondon: 1988An anthology collecting together some of the best work of Arthur Machen, a bright first edition copy, complete with plates.