Great works of literature, often in their first edition. Classic and familiar stories as well as tales you have never heard before. We go back through four hundred years of storytelling.
1840 3vols Les Mille et une Nuits, Contes ArabesParis: 1840An illustrated three-volume edition of the Arabian Nights tales, translated into French by Antoine Galland, the first European translator of this classic work.
1802 The Arabian NightsLondon: 1802The first edition of Edward Forster's important translation of 'Arabian Nights', illustrated by painter Robert Smirke.
1882-1889 The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night; Tales From the Arabic; AlaeddinLondon: 1882-1889A scarce complete thirteen volume limited edition set of John Payne's translation of the Arabian Nights, Aladdin, and Tales from the Arabic.
1923 The Book of the Thousand Nights and One NightLondon: 1923An uncommon limited edition set of the Arabian Nights, illustrated with a colour frontispiece to each volume. From the library of the controversial judge Travers Christmas Humphreys.
1882-89 The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Tales From the Arabic, AlaeddinLondon: 1882-89A scarce to see complete set of John Payne's translations of Arabic texts, limited editions.
1916-1954 Works from the Loeb Classical LibraryLondon: 1916-1954A smart selection of classical titles from the Loeb Library.
1759 Spartan Lessons; or, The Praise of Valour; in the Verses of Tyrtaeus; An Ancient Athenian Poet, Adopted by the Republic of Lacedaemon, and Employed to Inspire their Youth with Warlike Sentiments.Glasgow: 1759A very scarce work presenting words of inspiration for those young gentlemen serving their country as officers of the Highland Battalions, based on the poetry of Spartan poet, Tyrtaeus.
1879 Aesop's FablesLondon: c1879A smart collection of Aesop's fables with illustrations throughout, including a colour frontispiece.
1815 Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae SexLondon: 1815A collection of six comedies from the ancient Roman playwright Terence, bound in full straight grain morocco and written in Latin.
1923 The Secret GardenLondon: 1923An early edition of this classic children's book, with delightful colour illustrations by Charles Robinson.
1845 The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory, and ParadiseLondon: 1845A new edition of this important work from Italian poet Dante Alighieri.
1877 The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age: VirgilLondon: 1877The first edition of W. Y. Sellar's informative study of the Augustan poet Virgil, in a full calf binding.
1985 Literature and Politics in the Age of NeroIthaca and London: 1985A very smart first edition of this detailed study into the literature and politics of the Age of Nero.
1940 The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius Including the Tale of Cupid and PsycheLondon: 1940A smart copy of this illustrated copy of Apuleius' The Golden Ass, here retold by William Henry Denham Rouse.
1884 The Wanderings of Aeneas and the Founding of RomeLondon: 1884A scarce retelling of the legend of Trojan hero Aeneas by English scholar Charles Henry Hanson, illustrated throughout.
1861 On Translating Homer Three Lectures Given at OxfordLondon: 1861A smart first edition of these published lectures on translations of Homer's work from English cultural critic Matthew Arnold.
1904 The Book of Sir Galahad and the Achievement of the Adventure of the SancgrealLondon: 1904A beautifully bound example of the first Astolat Press edition of Thomas Malory's work, an excerpt of his 'Le Morte D'Arthur'.
1895 The Rubaiyat of Omar KhayyamLondon: 1895A later edition of this classic work, translated by Edward Fitzgerald.
1899-1905 The Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and Her SistersLondon: 1899-1905A pleasing 'Haworth Edition' set containing the classic literary works of the Bronte sisters, with biographical notes and illustrations.
1919 The Diall of PrincesLondon: 1919This scarce first thus selected and introduced translation of Don Anthony of Guevara's The Diall of Princes, translated by Sir Thomas North, bound in the original publisher's cloth.
1937 Aeschyli Septem Quae Supersunt TragoediaeOxonii: 1937A smart copy of this collection of the seven tragedies from Aeschylus, in the original Ancient Greek with Latin notes.
1925 Milton's Paradise RegainedOxford: 1925A smart copy of Milton's Paradise Regained, edited by L. C. Martin.
1884 Tales From the Arabic, One Thousand and One NightsLondon: 1884A limited edition, privately printed set of the Arabian Nights, translated by John Payne.
1914 Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and PsycheLondon: 1914The beautifully illustrated first edition of Dorothy Mullock's illustrated edition of Cupid and Psyche, with tipped in colour plates.
1978 The Rubaiyat of Omar KhayyamLondon and Glasgow: 1978A smartly bound copy of this classic work, translated by Edward Fitzgerald.
1946 Why the Sea is Salt and Other Fairy StoriesLondon: 1946A smart first edition of this collection of Norse folk tales for children, with illustrations.
1935 Canterbury TalesLondon: 1935A smart first edition of this translation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales into modern English, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1904 3vol Early English Prose Romances: Robert the Deuyll, Robin Hood, and Fryer BaconEdinburgh: 1904A smart complete three volume set of these limited edition examples of early English prose romances.
1693 The Satires of Decimus Junius JuvenalisLondon: 1693The first edition of John Dryden's translation of these Ancient Roman satirical poems by Juvenal.
1905 The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and OthersLondon; Oxford: 1905A limited edition facsimile of the important 1532 folio collecting together the works of Chaucer.
1892 3vol Studies in Chaucer: His Life and WritingsNew York: 1892A complete three volume first edition of this detailed study on the life and work of Geoffrey Chaucer, from American literary historian Thomas Lounsbury.
1973 Chaucer's Dream-PoemsLondon: 1973A smart first edition of this study of three of Chaucer's early poems, a review copy with publisher's request.
1920 Tales from the Arabian NightsLondon: 1920A smart copy of this brightly illustrated collection of Middle Eastern folktales, designed for younger readers.
1974 The IliadNew York: 1974A smart first illustrated edition of this translation of Homer's epic poem The Iliad.
2019 The Norton ChaucerNew York and London: 2019A very smart first impression of this anthology of the work of Geoffrey Chaucer.
1982 Vision and Stagecraft in SophoclesLondon: 1982An uncommon first edition of this interesting examination into Sophocles' underrated use of stagecraft.