Science Fiction
1968 The Memory of WhitenessLondon: 1968A signed first UK edition of Kim Stanley Robinson's thrilling science fiction novrl. -
1898 The New GulliverJamaica, Queensborough, New York: 1898A signed presentation copy of Wendell Phillips Garrison's satirical lost race satire, with an additional signed dust wrapper. -
1914 The Napoleon of Notting HillLondon: 1914An attractive example of G. K. Chesterton's work of speculative alternate-reality fiction, illustrated throughout.
1927 The Sense of the PastLondon: [1927]Henry James' unfinished comedy of manners featuring time travel, in the original very scarce dust wrapper.
1925 Star DustLondon: 1925A smart first edition of this very scarce science fiction work from British author and editor Evelyn Charles Vivian.
2008 Space Travels Doctor WhoLondon: 2008A smart first edition of this interactive pop-up book following the adventures of Doctor Who.
1904 The Napoleon of Notting HillLondon: 1904The scarce first edition of this work of speculative fiction set in an alternative future reality, following an unserious king and written by Gilbert K. Chesterton.
1996 These Are the Voyages: A Three-Dimensional Star Trek AlbumNew York: 1996An excellent copy of the first Star Trek interactive, three-dimensional adventure book, with pop-up depictions of some of the most incredible voyages of Starfleet's finest vessels.
2010 Frankenstein: A Pop-Up BookNew York: 2010A first edition of this marvelously bright pop-up retelling of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
1923 Tales of Life and AdventureLondon: 1923A scarce collection of twenty-one science fiction short stories by H. G. Wells. From the library of Brian Aldiss, vice-president of the H. G. Wells Society.
1885 The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a SatelliteLondon: 1885The third edition of Nasmyth and Carpenter's innovative study of the moon, illustrated with photographs of meticulously crafted models which were instrumental in educating the public about the moon.
1955 The InheritorsLondon: 1955Brian Aldiss's copy of the first edition of William Golding's second novel, a work of prehistoric fiction following the extinction of a Neanderthal tribe.
1904 The Sorrows of JupiterLondon: 1904A scarce fantasy sci-fi work about Greek Gods, the first edition, signed by the author. -
1893 The Quickening of CalibanLondon: [1893]A scarce, first edition of J. Compton Rickett's only science-fiction novel, surrounding the evolution of a new species of human.
1838 A World of WondersBoston: 1838A very scarce early sci-fi novel about lifeforms on other planets by Joel R. Peabody, complete with plates.
1936 The Man Who Was Seven Times GodLondon: 1936A very scarce science fiction novel, following a man who declares himself a god in seven places, the first edition.
1930 The Moon GodsLondon: 1930An exciting Lost Race novel by Edgar Jepson, the first edition of this very scarce work.
1893 The Quickening of CalibanLondon: [1893]The first edition of this scarce sci-fi novel by Joseph Compton Rickett, following the discovery of a lost race in Africa.
1900 The Mystery of LadyplaceLondon: [1900]A scarce science fiction novel by Percy Brebner, following an evil scientist, the first edition of this work.
1930 The Red SnowNew York: 1930The first edition of Frank Wright Moxley science fiction novel in which humanity faces extinction due to the mass sterilization of women.
1909 Atalanta, or, Twelve Months in the Evening StarBrighton; London: [1909]A scarce sci-fi novel by Charles Napier Richards, following an expedition to space, a first edition copy.
1938 Peace Under EarthLondon: 1938A scarce science fiction novella set in the near future, the first edition of this work by Beatrice Warde.
1904 DwalaLondon: 1904An intriguing and satirical sci-fi romance by George Calderon, the first edition of this very scarce work.
1895 Beyond the Palaeocrystic Sea or The Legend of HalfjordSt Paul, Minn: 1895An later issue of the first edition of A. S. Morton's fantastical novel about the discoveries of a polar explorer in the Arctic.
1927 Red RadioLondon: 1927The first edition of this very scarce science fiction novel, revolving around a powerful Death Ray.
1923 AtomsLondon: 1923The first edition of Wignall and Knox's 1923 science fiction novel about abundant nuclear energy and broadcast power.
1930 His Monkey Wife: Or, Married to a ChimpLondon: 1930A proof copy of John Collier's highly unusual 1930 novel about the marriage of a lonely man in the Upper Congo and a female chimpanzee.
1933 King CobraLondon: 1933A signed presentation copy of the very scarce first edition of Mark Channing's first Captain Colin Gray science-fiction adventure novel. -
1993 OvertimeLondon: 1993An excellent first edition time travelling novel based on the legend of Blondel de Nesle.
1906 A Woman of the Ice AgeNew York: 1906A scarce science fiction novel set in the Ice Age by Louis Pope Gratacap, the first edition of this thought provoking work.
1884 The Life and Adventures of Peter WilkinsLondon: 1884A fine first edition thus of Robert Paltock's 'Gulliver's Travels' inspired novel, in crushed half morocco Bayntun bindings.
1894 The Artificial MotherNew York; London: 1894The first edition of this curious sci-fi novel revolving around robots, an illustrated and scarce work.
1929 The Woman Who Couldn't DieIndianapolis: 1929The first edition of Canadian author Arthur Stringer's science-fiction novel about the revival of a Viking woman who has been frozen in Arctic ice for 900 years.
1975-59 Charisma, and, The Stars in ShroudLondon: 1975-79Two fine first edition science fiction novels by Michael Coney and Gregory Benford.
1926 The Connoisseur and Other StoriesLondon: 1926A very smart limited edition signed copy of this short story collection from reputable author Walter de la Mare. -
1970-1976 The Devil's Children; The Green Gene; The Blue HawkLondon: 1970-1976Uncorrected proof copies of the first editions of three novels by English author and poet Peter Dickinson: The Devil's Children, The Green Gene, and The Blue Hawk.