Classical Literature
1841 The Adventures of TelemachusLondon: 1841A scarce mid nineteenth century edition of Hawkesworth's translation of Fenelon's classic didactic novel about Telemachus, the son of Ulysses.
1893 2vol The DecameronLondon: 1893A smart limited edition of this collection of short stories from Boccaccio, translated and illustrated.
c1920 3vol Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Poems & TragediesLondon: c1920A smartly bound three volume set of the works of Shakespeare, with slipcase.
1893 2vol The DecameronLondon: 1893A limited edition of this collection of short stories from Boccaccio, translated and illustrated.
1988 2vol Piers Plowman Version A and BLondon: 1988Fine copies of both the A and B versions of this Middle English allegorical narrative poem.
c1890 Virgil The Bucolics and GeorgicsLondon: c1890A scarce edition of this translation of Virgil's Bucolics and Georgics.
1902 Iolaus: An Anthology of FriendshipLondon: 1902A scarce first edition of this anthology of writings on friendship.
1930 Alliterative Poetry in Middle English: The Dialectal and Metrical SurveyManchester: 1930A scarce first edition of this detailed study of alliterative poetry in Middle English.
1716 Ovid's Epistles, Translated by Several HandsLondon: 1716A lovely early eighteenth century copy of Ovid's Heroides, illustrated with twelve engraved plates.
1895-1897 4vol The Parnassus Library of Greek and Latin TextsLondon: 1895-1897Four scarce editions of these volumes from Homer, Virgil, Catullus, and Sophocles, in the original Ancient Greek.
1966 3 vols Illustrations of Old English LiteratureNew York : 1966A smart three volume set of this collection of old English works.
1961 Beowulf With the Finnesburg FragmentLondon : 1961A revised edition of the Old English epic poem, Beowulf.
1880-1898 5 vols Ancient Classics for English ReadersEdinburgh and London : 1880-1898Five interesting volumes on classical writers from Ovid to Aristotle.
1890 Daphnis and Chloe: A Pastoral RomanceLondon: 1890An illustrated translation of Longus' work considered the first pastoral prose romance.
1911 Select Epigrams from the Greek AnthologyLondon: 1911Bright copy of this anthology of Greek epigrams.
1910 Quinti Horati Flacci Opera Omnia CuraLondon: 1910A smart limited edition of this collection of poetry from Horatius Flaccus, with slip case, in the Latin language.
1898 Cornelii Taciti Vita AgricolaeOxford: 1898A smart edition of Agricola by Tacitus, with a colour map.
1892 Plutarch's Romane QuestionsLondon: 1892A limited edition copy of this uncommon translation of Plutarch's Roman questions, with the scarce dust wrapper.
1875-1917 2 vols in 1 Suggestions Introductory to A Study of the Aeneid and Plato's Biography of SocratesOxford: 1875-1917An interesting volume of two works on the Aeneid and Plato's biography of Socrates.
1812 2 vols Omniana or Horae OtiosioresLondon : 1812A complete two volume set of this work by Romantic poets, Robert Southey and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
1925 Serious Reflections During the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe with his vision of the Angelick WorldLondon : 1925A limited facsimile of the popular novel Robinson Crusoe.
1916-1920 2 vols A Register of Middle English Religious & Didactic VerseOxford: 1916-1920Two extensive works on Middle English verse.
1812 Lirici Antichi Serj E Giocosi fino al Secolo XVIVenice: 1812A scarce collection of ancient lyric poetry, part of the Parnaso Italiano collection.
1889 Q. Horatii Flacci Opera ad Praestantium Librorum Lectiones Accurate RecensuitLipsiae [Leipzig]: 1889A small attractive volume of the poetical works of Horace; an uncommon edition edited by Karl Hermann Weise and bound in full vellum.
1691 10vols Oeuvres d'Horace Traduites en Francois avec l'Original LatinParis: 1691An early edition of this scarce ten volume collection of Horace's works in French, with the original Latin.
1888 Les Caquets de l'AccoucheeParis: 1888A new edition of this anonymous satire in the original French language.
1770 Satires de JuvenalParis: 1770The first edition of Jean Dusaulx's important translation of the satires of Juvenal, a series of Classical Roman satirical poems.
1922 PrometheusFrankfurt : 1922A limited edition, vellum bound copy of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Prometheus.
1814 2 vols Les Adventures de Telemaque fils D'UlysseParis : 1814A two volume set of Les Adventures de Telemaque fils D'Ulysse, in French.
1885 Etudes sur les Tragiques Grecs SophocleParis: 1885A detailed discussion of the works of Sophocles.
1948 Aphrodite Herakles' ErdenfahrtZurich: 1948A limited edition copy of Carl Spitteler's Aphrodite Herakles' Erdenfahrt.
1808 Pindari CarminaOxford: 1808A very original pocket sized collection of Pindar's works, two volumes bound in one. In the original Ancient Greek and Latin languages.
1924 2vol DecameronBerlin: 1924An illustrated two volume set of this important collection of short stories from Boccaccio, translated into the German language.
1926 La Legende de SocrateParis: 1926A French limited edition copy of La Legende de Socrate by Mario Meunier.
1935 Three Hundred & Sixty Five Short Quotations from HoraceShaftesbury: 1935A scarce limited edition of this anthology of quotations from Horace by H Darnley Naylor.
1818 M. Annaeus Lucanus de Bello Civili, cum Hug. Grotii, FarnabiiLondon: 1818An uncommon copy of Luncan's epic poem describing the civil war between Julius Caesar and the forces of the Roman Senate. Published in Latin.