1810 The Rise, Progress, and Termination of the O. P. WarLondon: 1810The first edition of this very scarce poetical account of the O. P. Riots of 1809.
1809 A Circumstantial Report of the Evidence and Proceedings upon the ChargesLondon: 1809The first edition of this insightful report, exploring the wrongdoings of Prince Frederick.
1781 Proceedings at Large on the Trial of John Donellan, Esq.London: 1781The first edition of this very scarce account of John Donellan's trial for the murder of his brother in law, Sir Theodosius Boughton, 7th Baronet.
1778 A Complete Collection of State-Trials, and Proceedings For High-TreasonLondon: 1778Volumes VII and VIII of this extensive study of trials of English history, in particular relating to treason.
1934 Lost London: The Memoirs of an East End DetectiveLondon: 1934A signed presentation copy of this early edition of Detective Sergeant B. Leeson's account of crime in the London East End in the late nineteenth century, and including discussion of the Ripper case. -
1936 Murder in PiccadillyLondon: 1936The very scarce first edition of this detective novel about the murder of the wealthy Massy Cheldon, and the subsequent investigation.
1924 The Trail of the ShadowLondon: 1924The very scarce first edition of this thrilling crime novel from Henry Bedford-Jones, featuring the recurring character of 'The Shadow'.
1975 Murder in the WestcountryCornwall: 1975The first edition of this fascinating work looking into different murder cases of the West Country, inscribed by author Colin Wilson. -
1936 Death In EcstasyLondon: 1936The first edition of Ngaio Marsh's fourth Chief Inspector Roderick Alleyn murder-mystery.
1971 'Orrible Murder: Victorian Crime and PassionLondon: 1971An uncommon first edition of this interesting and gruesome work on murder in the Victorian era.
1882 Train and Bank Robbers of the WestChicago: 1882A fascinating contemporary account of the exploits of the notorious James-Younger Gang of American Outlaws, discussing both the James brothers, and the Younger brothers.
1678 The Tryals of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, and John Grove; For Conspiring to Murder the KingLondon: 1678The first edition of this scarce account of the trials of three men executed during the hysteria surrounding the Popish Plot.
1679 An Account of the Behaviour of the Fourteen Late Popish Malefactors, Whil'st in NewgateLondon: 1679Newgate prison chaplain Samuel Smith's very scarce account his interactions with fourteen Popish Plot 'malefactors' while imprisoned.
1696 The Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Peter Cooke, Gent. for High-TreasonLondon: 1696The first edition of this very scarce account of the trial and sentencing of Peter Cook, an English merchant accused and convicted of treason in 1696.
1935 Madeline SmithLondon: 1935The first edition of Geoffrey L. Butler's investigation of the murder of Emile L'Angelier in mid nineteenth century Glasgow.
1757 The Trial of the Honourable Admiral John ByngLondon: 1757The first edition of this uncommon publication of the trial of Admiral John Byng complete with five folding maps.
1911-13 Notable English TrialsEdinburgh: 1911-13The first edition of four popular volumes from the series 'Notable English Trials', discussing the trials of Lord Lovat, William Palmer, Dr. Lamson, and Eugene Aram. Complete with illustrations.
1897 The Dungeons of Old ParisNew York and London: 1897A historical sketch of the history of the most renowned Parisian prisons of the Monarchy and Revolution, the first edition.
1912 Trial of Mrs. MaybrickEdinburgh: 1912A pleasing first edition of this account of the trial of a famous London murderer, a case that has since been linked to the unsolved identity of Jack the Ripper.
2009 BillingtonStroud: 2009An interesting work looking at the true crimes committed in Victorian England, the criminals of such crimes all executed by James Billington. The first edition, signed by the author. -
1834 The Full Proceedings of the General Court Martial Held at Cork BarracksLondon: 1834A very scarce first edition copy of this work recounting the proceedings of the court martial of Captain Augustus Wathen.
1785 The Gentleman, Merchant, Tradesman, Lawyer and Debtor's Pocket GuideBath: 1785A very scarce and unusual pocket guide to evading and escaping the law, written by 'an eminent Barrister at law'.
1932 Bill's O' Jack's, a Moorland MysteryStalybridge: 1932A scarce account of the double murder of a father and son in the nineteenth century.
1811 Admonitions against Swearing, Sabbath-Breaking and DrunkennessLondon: 1811A scarce pamphlet from an eighteenth century English cleric, advising against such sins as swearing and drinking.
1792 Admonitions against Swearing, Sabbath-breaking and DrunkennessLondon: 1792A smart thirteenth edition of this pamphlet by James Stonhouse, admonishing against foul behaviour.
1800 Admonitions against Swearing, Sabbath-Breaking and DrunkennessLondon: 1800A scarce pamphlet advising against sins such as foul language and intoxication, written by James Stonhouse.
1896 The History of the Convict Hulk Success and Success PrisonersLondon: 1896A very scarce publication on the prison ship 'The Success' and a work advocating for better treatment of prisoners.
1891 The Maybrick Case A TreatiseLondon: 1891A first edition of this work on this famous London murder, which has since been tied into the unsolved Jack the Ripper case.
1927 Lives of the Most Remarkable CriminalsLondon: 1927The illustrated first edition of this fascinating history of infamous criminals throughout history.
1751 An Enquiry Into the Causes of the Late Increase of RobbersLondon: 1751An uncommonly bright copy of this tract by Henry Fielding regarding the growing crime rates in the 1750s.
1753 A Clear State of the Case of Elizabeth Canning Who Hath Sworn that She Was RobbedLondon: 1753A scarce account demonstrating Henry Fielding's humanitarian commitment to justice. Regarding the case of Elizabeth Canning, this pamphlet is one of Fielding's final works.
1892 Some Records of CrimeLondon: 1892A very scarce first edition of this investigative work on crime in India in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
1780 The State of Prisons in England and Wales with Preliminary ObservationsWarrington; London: 1780A smartly bound excellent, second and best edition of this pioneering analysis of the English and Welsh prison systems in the eighteenth century. Written by early English prison reformer, John Howard.
1971 The Maul and the Pear Tree the Ratcliffe Highway Murders 1811London: 1971The first edition of this fascinating true crime work on the 1811 Ratcliff Highway murders.
1812 Substance of the Trials of John Skelton Neil Sutherland Hugh MacdonaldLeith : 1812Two very scarce works regarding murder trials in Scotland during the start of the nineteenth century following the Tron riot in Edinburgh.
Notes of an Exile to Van Dieman's LandFredonia : 1846An uncommon, first-hand account of the convict system in Tasmania written by political prisoner Linus Wilson Miller. The first edition of this work.