British History
1988 Cheshire Country HousesChichester: 1988The first edition of this heavily illustrated work on the grand country houses of Cheshire, signed by both of the authors, with vibrant photographic colour plates. -
1900-02 With the Flag to Pretoria & After Pretoria: The Guerilla War (Supplement)London: 1900-1902A richly illustrated four-volume history of the Boer War.
1861 The Natural History of SelborneLondon: 1861A lovely full calf edition of this important work of natural history from Gilbert White, illustrated with forty engraved plates.
2000 3vol The Army List November 1918: A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, &c.London: 2000A smart three volume set of this facsimile of the original Army List for November of 1918.
1975 Rhodesia Served the Queen: Rhodesian Forces in the Boer War 1899-1902Salisbury : 1975A smart first edition of the second volume of Hickman's study of British military forces in Rhodesia, with illustrations.
1938 3Vols The Great War: I Was There, 1914-1918London: 1938Three bound volumes of a fascinating periodical edited by Sir John Hammerton, printing first hand accounts of British soldier's experiences in the First World War.
2000 A Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving in Honour of The 100th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen MotherLondon: 2000A vanishingly scarce order of service for the exclusive 100th birthday celebration of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, held at St Paul's Cathedral.
1951 A Brief History of The Apron: From the Fourteenth Century to the Festival of BritainLondon: 1951A vanishingly scarce and interesting booklet from the Marshall Fabrics company on the history of the apron, with charming illustrations throughout.
1947 Old Cheshire Churches: A Survey of Their History, Fabric and Furniture with Records of the Older MonumentsLondon: 1947A smart first edition of this illustrated study of the churches of Cheshire, with a folding plate to the rear.
1797-1829 Series of Prints on Roman History and the Old TestamentLondon: 1797-1829Three works by Sarah Trimmer, including two of her impressive plate volumes, exploring the history of Rome and the Old Testament.
1820 True Stories; or, Interesting Anecdotes of Young PersonsYork: 1820An uncommon collection of short tales of historical figures, by Elizabeth Frank, a work for children, illustrated with a frontispiece.
1862 Biggar and The House of Fleming: An Account of the Biggar District, Archaeological, Historical, and BiographicalBiggar: 1862A scarce copy of this illustrated study on Biggar and the House of Fleming.
1954 St. Andrews (British Cities and Towns)London: 1954A very smart first edition of this historical tour through St. Andrews, complete with many photographs.
c1925 Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales: Their Legendary Lore and Popular HistoryLondon: c1925A fascinating study of England and Wales' history in connection with their architecture, illustrated with plates.
1892-1894 A Short History of the English PeopleLondon: 1892-1894A smart complete illustrated edition of J. R. Green's influential history of England.
1843 Dresses and Decorations of the Middles AgesLondon: 1843The first edition of this fantastically illustrated look into the fashion and decorations of the Middle Ages, with coloured plates.
1893 An Ordinary of Arms Contained in the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in ScotlandEdinburgh: 1893A scarce first edition of this record of all arms and bearings in Scotland.
1946 Counter Defensive Being the Story of A Bank in BattleLondon: 1946The first edition of this historical work telling the story of a bank in the early twentieth century with illustrations.
1783 Sacred History, Selected from Scriptures, with Annotations and ReflectionsLondon: 1783The vanishingly scarce first edition of volume II only of Mrs. Trimmer's work of high church Anglican moral guidance.
1820 New and Comprehensive Lessons; Containing a General Outline of Antient HistoryLondon: 1820A scarce work educating children on ancient history by Sarah Trimmer, complete with engravings throughout.
1903-1906 4vol How England Saved EuropeLondon: 1903-1906A smartly bound complete four volume set of this history of the Great War 1793-1815, with illustrations throughout.
c1900 Our Conservative and Unionist StatesmenLondon: c1900A fantastic two volume photobooks containing portraits of 19th century British Conservative and Unionist statesmen.
c1880 6vol A Series of Picturesque Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and IrelandLondon: c1880A remarkable set illustrating the country seats and estates of British noblemen and gentlemen, complete in six volumes.
1906-1910 3vol Pilgrimages to Old HomesDidsbury: 1906-1910The first edition of volumes I, IV, and V of Fletcher Moss's richly illustrated guide to the old homes of England.
1901 International Exhibition Glasgow 1901: Official Catalogue of the Scottish History and Archaeology SectionGlasgow: 1901A presentation copy of a vanishingly scarce catalogue of the Scottish History and Archaeology Section of the 1901 Glasgow International Exhibition.
1904 Bonnie ScotlandLondon: 1904The signed, limited edition, edition de luxe, of this celebration of the beauty of the natural landscape of Scotland. -
1938-1940 Brassey's Naval AnnualLondon: 1938-1940A trio of first edition's of Brassey's Naval Annual for 1938-1940, richly illustrated with photographs, warship plans and silhouettes, each volume complete with the unclipped dust wrapper.
1896 Road and Lane: A Handbook for Manchester Cyclists & TouristsManchester: 1896The scarce first edition of Haydon Perry's enormously informative guide to navigating Manchester in the 1890s, either on a bicycle, or as a tourist.
1729 Memoirs of the English Affairs, Chiefly Naval, From the Year 1660, to 1673 .London: 1729The first edition of this scarce memoir documenting James II's illustrious naval career, illustrated with a frontispiece.
1897 Cycling Road Book Compiled for the Use of Cyclists and PedestriansLondon: 1897A smart example of Charles Spencer's very scarce guide to cycling on the roads of Great Britain, 'compiled for the use of cyclists and pedestrians'.
1893 A Glossary of Words Used in the County of WiltshireLondon: 1893A scarce and fascinating Victorian glossary of words from the Wiltshire dialect.
1905 The Year of TrafalgarLondon: 1905A first edition of this historical study on the Battle of Trafalgar and poetry written about the event.
1948-1954 The Second World WarLondon: 1948-1954An smart example of the complete six volume first edition of Winston Churchill's monumental history of the Second World War, with each volume retaining the original dust wrapper.
1833 Criminal Trials in Scotland, from A.D. M.CCCC.LXXXVIII to A.D. M.DC.XXIVEdinburgh: 1833The scarce first edition of this impressive compilation of early criminal cases seen in the Scottish courts from the late medieval period to the early modern era.
1965-1966 12vol A History of the English-Speaking PeoplesLondon: 1965-1966A smart twelve volume set of this historical study from British statesman Sir Winston S. Churchill, with illustrations.
1817 The Lockhart PapersLondon: 1817The first edition of this first-hand account of the Jacobite rebellions of the eighteenth century, a scarce work.