Archaeology & Antiquities
1924 Jews and Christians in Egypt: The Jewish Troubles in Alexandria and the Athanasian ControversyLondon: 1924A very smart examination of Greek papyri held in the British Museum.
1975 The Late New Kingdom in Egypt (c. 1300-664 B.C.)Warminster : 1975An uncommon investigation into the genealogy and chronology in Late New Kingdom Egypt.
1897 A Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Possession of F. G. Hilton PriceLondon: 1897A very scarce first edition of this illustrated catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities held by English antiquarian F. G. Hilton Price.
1870 Flint Chips: A Guide to Pre-Historic ArchaeologyLondon: 1870A very scarce first edition of this illustrated guide to pre-historic archaeology from English curator Edward T. Stevens.
1854 John Guy's Popular Elementary Catechisms History of RomeLondon: 1854The first edition of this illustrated, mid-nineteenth-century catechism relating to the history of Rome, quarter bound in the original publisher's cloth and engraved paper wraps.
1840 A Numismatic ManualLondon: 1840John Yonge Akerman's impressively detailed guide to the coins of various regions, illustrated with seventeen plates.
1846 Ancient Egypt, Her Testimony to the Truth of the BibleLondon: 1846The first edition of this illustrated study of the connection between Ancient Egyptian tombs and the Christian Bible.
1896 Private Letters of Edward Gibbon 1753-1794London: 1896This first edition of historian Edward Gibbon's private letters collected in two volumes, full bound in the original publisher's cloth and decorated with Edward Gibbon's gilt crest.
1971 Some Medieval Archiepiscopal PalacesLondon: 1971A scarce copy of this essay on Medieval archiepiscopal palaces, reprinted from the Archaeological Journal.
1897 Relics of the Great Marquis of MontroseEdinburgh: 1897A signed presentation copy of this very scarce study of the relics of Scottish nobleman the Marquis of Montrose. -
1995 Excavations at York Minster Volume I Roman to Norman: The Roman Legionary Fortress at YorkSwindon : 1995A terrific copy of this very scarce and absorbing two-volume work, illuminating the many artefacts excavated at York Minster.
1926-1945 Transactions and a General Index of the Essex Archaeological SocietyColchester : 1926-1945A trio of journals containing studies of Essex's archaeologies, including a General Index and plates.
1882 Atlantis: The Antediluvian WorldNew York: 1882The scarce first edition of Ignatius L. Donnelly's pseudoarchaeological work, in which the author suggests all ancient civilisations were descendants of Atlantis.
1957 Basel: Denkschrift Zur Erinnerung an Die Vor 2000 Jahren Erfolgte Grundung Der Colonia RauricaBasel: 1957A smart copy of this memorial work on the foundation of Colonia Raurica, near Basel, Switzerland. In the original German.
1938-1951 6vols in 1 The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition: Handbook of ExhibitorsLondon: 1938-1951A collection of six handbooks of exhibitors for the London Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition, from 1938 to 1951.
1906-1913 Works from the Batsford's Collector's LibraryLondon: 1906-1913A wonderful selection of books that each offer a richly illustrated study of various ceramics, glasswork and pottery.
1942 Birmingham Archaeological Society: Report on Excavations at WroxeterOxford: 1942A scarce first edition of this archeological study of Wroxeter and the Roman city of Viroconium from British archaeologist Donald Atkinson.
c1933 Plates From Traite des Monnaies Grecques et RomainesParis: c1933A volume of plates showing the coins of the Arsacid dynasty.
2003 British Glass 1800-1914Suffolk: 2003A comprehensive historical study of the Golden Age of British glassmaking, decorated throughout with stunning colour photographs.
1857 Miscellanea Graphica: Representations of Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance RemainsLondon: 1857The first edition of this beautifully illustrated study of ancient, medieval and renaissance artefacts and decorative items, illustrated with chromolithographic plates.
2003 The Collector and Researchers Guide to the Great War II: Small Arms, Munitions, MilitariaEssex: 2003A signed, numbered copy of this privately published guide to identifying the arms, munitions and militaria of the Great War. -
1979 Sale Catalogue of the Bullock Museum, 1819London: 1979The scarce 1979 facsimile of the 1819 sale catalogue of the works in the museum of William Bullock, a prominent antiquarian.
1872 Poseidon: A Link Between Semite, Hamite, and AryanLondon: 1872A very scarce work by Robert Brown, in which he explores the mythos of the great Olympian Poseidon.
1854 Some Account of the Roman Villa, and the Discoveries made on Borough HillLondon: 1854A very scarce copy of this illustrated work on the discoveries at the Roman Villa on the Borough Hill.
1863 On the Discovery of the Priory of Austin Friars at Ludlow Communicated to the Society of AntiquitiesLondon: 1863A very scarce copy of this illustrated work on the discovery of Austin Friars Priory at Ludlow.
c1960-87 A Collection of Longleat Survey MagazinesWiltshire; England; Lemington Spa, Warwickshire : c1960-87A lovely collection of bright magazines containing the history, antiquities and delights of Longleat and the Thynnes family.
1965 Historical Studies of MummiesCairo; Chicago: 1965Two very smart short studies on mummies and mummification, with charming coloured illustrations to one and both containing photographs.
1935 British Optical Association Library Catalogue Volume IILondon: 1935An interesting catalogue and bibliography on works on Optometry, created by the British Optical Association and bound in a crushed quarter morocco binding.
1990 A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600London: 1990A fascinating guide to the major historical phases of scripts, with illustrations and transcriptions for each.
1993 The Rape of TutankhamunLondon: 1993A smart first edition of this brightly illustrated work on the discovery and exploitation of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
1968 Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum. I: Mummies and Human RemainsLondon: 1968An excellent first edition copy of this volume, recording the mummies and human remains held at the British Museum, in a catalogue of Egyptian antiquities.
1993-2020 32vols Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Newsletters and BulletinsLondon: 1993-2020A collection of thirty-one newsletters and bulletins, and one publication, concerning the work of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society.
1965-66 Thebes of the Pharaohs and Isfahan: Pearl of PersiaLondon: 1965-1966A richly illustrated pair of works, one exploring the monuments of Thebes and the other discussing the splendid architecture of Isfahan.
1983 Thera: Pompeii of the ancient Aegean: Excavations at Akrotiri 1967-79London: 1983An excellent first edition of Doumas' fascinating study of ancient Akrotiri, considered to be one of the most completely preserved prehistoric site in Europe.
1979 PalmyraLondon: 1979A very smart first edition of this highly illustrated work on the fascinating ancient site of Palmyra.