History & Culture
Windows into worlds gone by, a vast store of history. Both the iconic and the less well-known is here. Together with forgotten byways and things not found anywhere else. Here is also Americana, Crime, Feminism, Occultism,Archaeology, and Ethnography.
1907 History of the Manchester Ship Canal From Its Inception To Its CompletionManchester and London: 1907A scarce, two-volume set exploring the history of the Manchester ship canal, with personal reminiscences from the director of finance who oversaw the operation, Sir Bosdin Leech.
1959 The Empty StudioNew York: 1959A very scarce advert for CBS, by the noted artist Ben Shahn, under the direction of William Golden.
1911 Parliaments of the Empire: The First Meeting of Representatives, 1911London: 1911The very scarce first edition of this account of the inaugural gathering of parliamentary representatives from across the British Empire. This was the copy of Sir Robin Vanderfelt, head of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
1938 Assembly Rooms, Bath: A Souvenir Booklet to commemorate the re-opening by Her Royal HighnessLondon; Bath: 1938A scarce and wonderfully illustrated souvenir booklet, commemorating the re-opening of Bath's Assembly Rooms by the Duchess of Kent.
c1950 Baddeley Brothers CatalogueLondon: c1950A vanishingly scarce, limited edition catalogue from the historic printers of luxury stationary, 'Baddeley Brothers', offering a glimpse into their history and examples of their products and processes.
1831 A Year in SpainLondon: 1831The first U.K. edition of this account of life in Spain by Naval officer Alexander Slidell Mackenzie.
1970 Selected Essays on Books and PrintingAmsterdam: 1970 [1971]The first edition of this collection of interesting essays on the history of printing and typography from an expert in the field, Alfred F. Johnson.
1962-65 A Churchill Anthology, Painting as a Pastime & Churchill: His Life and TimesLondon: 1962-1965A fine three-volume set of Winston Churchill's writings, speeches, biography and words on painting, together with the original slipcase.
1926 Plymouth: Unique as a Holiday CentrePlymouth: 1926A charming and very scarce illustrated 1926 guide to Plymouth, illustrated with a folding map of the transport system of the region.
c1935 The Duchy Tours: Guide for Lizard and Mullion TourSaundry, Penzance: c1935A charming twentieth century travel brochure from a company offering tours of the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall via motor coach.
1964 November Twenty Six Nineteen Hundred and Sixty ThreeNew York: 1964The first trade edition of Wendell Berry's touching elegy to John F. Kennedy, illustrated by Ben Shahn.
1977 Words & Wisdom of Martin Luther KingBushey Heath: 1977A very scarce limited edition volume of quotes by Martin Luther King, illustrated with linocuts by Paul Peter Piech.
1897 The Daily Mail: To Commemorate the Queen's Diamond JubileeLondon: 1897The very scarce 23nd June 1897 issue of The Daily Mail, published the day after the celebrations of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, to commemorate sixty years of her reign.
1847-1848 The Comic History of EnglandLondon: 1847-1848The two volume first edition of this humorous work from Gilbert A'Beckett and John Leech, illustrated with hand-coloured plates.
1907 The Mystery of Maria Stella Lady NewboroughLondon: 1907An exceptionally scarce, first edition of Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey's account of Lady Maria Stella, the self-proclaimed legitimate daughter of Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, smartly bound by Bayntun.
1783 Gobierno de los Regulares de la AméricaMadrid: 1783The first edition of this important Spanish study of the missionary work in the Americas.
1861 The Natural History of SelborneLondon: 1861A lovely full calf edition of this important work of natural history from Gilbert White, illustrated with forty engraved plates.
1898 With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland Field Force, 1896London: 1898A smart example of the first edition of Sir Edwin Alfred Hervey Alderson's account of his command of troops in Mashonaland during the Matabele revolt.
1840 Tales About Travellers: Their Perils, Adventures, and DiscoveriesLondon: 1840A scarce first edition volume of stories about great adventurers by Thomas Bingley, complete with plates.
2000 A Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving in Honour of The 100th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen MotherLondon: 2000A vanishingly scarce order of service for the exclusive 100th birthday celebration of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, held at St Paul's Cathedral.
1820 True Stories; or, Interesting Anecdotes of Young PersonsYork: 1820An uncommon collection of short tales of historical figures, by Elizabeth Frank, a work for children, illustrated with a frontispiece.
1809 The New Pantheon, or an Introduction to the Mythology of the AncientsLondon: 1809A signed presentation copy of the second edition of Jillard Hort's uncommon children's primer on Greek and Roman mythology. -
1954 St. Andrews (British Cities and Towns)London: 1954A very smart first edition of this historical tour through St. Andrews, complete with many photographs.
1889-1892 The New Popular Educator: A Complete Encyclopaedia of Elementary and Advanced EducationLondon: 1889-1892A striking set containing Cassell's 'New Popular Educator', very smartly bound in half calf and profusely illustrated throughout.
1904 Women Who Have Worked and WonLondon: [1904]The first edition of this interesting illustrated work on the lives of many noted and influential Christian women, written by Jennie Chappell and bound in half calf.
1892-1894 A Short History of the English PeopleLondon: 1892-1894A smart complete illustrated edition of J. R. Green's influential history of England.
1843 Dresses and Decorations of the Middles AgesLondon: 1843The first edition of this fantastically illustrated look into the fashion and decorations of the Middle Ages, with coloured plates.
1964-68 Four Centuries of Banking: As Illustrated by the Bankers, Customers and StaffLondon: 1964-1968An attractive first edition exploring the history of Martins Bank Limited, bound in full crushed morocco.
1922 The Blackwall FrigatesGlasgow: 1922A first edition history of the Blackwall frigates, in full signed calf prize binding by Morrell.
1925 Coloured Ceramics from Ashur and Earlier Ancient Assyrian Wall-PaintingsLondon: 1925The scarce first edition of Walter Andrae's beautifully and vibrantly illustrated study of Assyrian ceramics and wall paintings.
c1924 The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1783London: c1924A bright copy of this influential book in naval strategy by Alfred Thayer Mahan, bound in full morocco prize binding.
1903-1906 4vol How England Saved EuropeLondon: 1903-1906A smartly bound complete four volume set of this history of the Great War 1793-1815, with illustrations throughout.
1895 2vol The French Revolution: A History with Past and PresentLondon: 1895A smartly bound set of this detailed history of the French Revolution, with Past and Present from Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle.
c1880 6vol A Series of Picturesque Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and IrelandLondon: c1880A remarkable set illustrating the country seats and estates of British noblemen and gentlemen, complete in six volumes.
1901 International Exhibition Glasgow 1901: Official Catalogue of the Scottish History and Archaeology SectionGlasgow: 1901A presentation copy of a vanishingly scarce catalogue of the Scottish History and Archaeology Section of the 1901 Glasgow International Exhibition.
1938-1940 Brassey's Naval AnnualLondon: 1938-1940A trio of first edition's of Brassey's Naval Annual for 1938-1940, richly illustrated with photographs, warship plans and silhouettes, each volume complete with the unclipped dust wrapper.