Economics & Social Sciences
Primary sources, seminal works and rare texts on Economics and Social Sciences, encompassing Philosophy, Law and Politics.
1880 An Introduction to the Philosophy of ReligionGlasgow: 1880A smartly bound first edition of this philosophical study of religion from Scottish theologian John Caird.
1899 5vols The Life and Times of William Ewart GladstoneLondon: 1899A richly illustrated history of the fascinating life and times of William Ewart Gladstone, complete in five volumes.
c1849 Christian EtiquetteLondon: c1849A very smart copy of this very scarce guide to Christian etiquette in society, inscribed by the author. -
1932 Golden HornLondon: 1932The first edition, first impression of this vivid political memoir from British Indian army officer, Francis Yeats-Brown.
1930 Economic Advisory Council: Channel Tunnel Committee ReportLondon: 1930A scarce report containing early discussions of the channel tunnel and its predicted effects, in the original wraps.
1910 Social Questions in ScotlandGlasgow: 1910A very scarce first edition of this social study of Scotland.
c1914 His Chartist and Socialist SermonsGlasgow : c1914A vanishingly scarce volume comprising the sermons of Scottish minister and passionate chartist, Patrick Brewster.
1948-52 Winston Churchill's Speech at the Annual Conservative ConferenceLondon : 1948-52Three scarce volumes featuring accounts of the annual conferences of the National Conservative Union, with reports of Churchill's speeches.
c1932 The Chartered Surveyor: His Training & His WorkWestminster: c1932The first edition of this very scarce volume on the role of the Chartered Surveyor, with a foreword by Winston Churchill.
1890 In Darkest England and The Way OutLondon: 1890A smart copy of this work setting the foundation for the Salvation Army's modern social welfare approach.
c1880 Society Small Talk or What to Say and When to Say ItLondon: c1880A scarce third edition of this guide to polite society conversation.
1860 The Conduct of LifeBoston: 1860A smart first edition of this collection of essays on life from American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson.
1919 The Diall of PrincesLondon: 1919This scarce first thus selected and introduced translation of Don Anthony of Guevara's The Diall of Princes, translated by Sir Thomas North, bound in the original publisher's cloth.
1846 The Philosophy of History in a Course of Lectures Delivered at ViennaLondon: 1846A second edition of this translation of the lectures of German philosopher Frederick von Schlegel.
c1900 The Essayes of Michael Lord of MontaigneLondon: c1900A smart copy of this collection of essays from French philosopher Michel de Montaigne, from the Sir John Lubbock's Hundred Books series.
1895 Two Suffolk FriendsEdinburgh & London: 1895A smart first edition of this illustrated paper on Suffolk and the people there from writer and commentator Francis Hindes Groome.
1884 20vol The Works of Thomas CarlyleBoston: 1884A complete twenty volume set of this collection of the works of Thomas Carlyle from the limited Edition de Luxe.
1972 Factor T: Followed by Beliefs, Tethered and Untethered and The Pheromones of FearLondon: 1972The first edition of this scarce philosophical work on the tragedy of humanity by Stefan Themerson.
1852 Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on the University and Colleges of OxfordLondon: 1852A smartly bound copy of this extensive study into the University and Colleges of Oxford.
1899-1928 2vols Feet of Fines for Essex, Volumes I and II, 1182 to 1326Colchester: 1899-1928Two scarce volumes containing feet of fines for Essex from 1182 to 1326, uniformly bound in quarter calf.
1924 3vol Tudor Economic DocumentsLondon: 1924A smart first edition of this historical economic study on the documents of the Tudor era.
1836 The Diary of Sir Henry SlingsbyLondon: 1836The scarce first edition of this work, combining the first publication of Slingsby's diary, with a reprint of his trial and further related papers.
1906 Suffolk in 1327 Being a Subsidy Return (Suffolk Green Books No. IX. Vol. II)Woodbridge : 1906A very scarce record of taxpayers in Suffolk in the year 1327, bound in the publisher's very smart cloth.
1951 Two Early London Subsidy RollsLund : 1951An uncommon work exploring two examples of medieval England taxation, from notable scholar of the English language, Eilert Ekwall.
1875 The Character and Logical Method of Political EconomyNew York: 1875The second US edition of John Elliott Cairnes's argument that economics is a science of logical reasoning, which utilises assumptions about human behaviour to understand economic principles.
1733 The Fable of the Bees. Part II.London: 1733The second edition of Part II only of Bernard Mandeville's philosophical dialogues.
1817 Conversations on Political Economy; in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly ExplainedLondon: 1817The second edition of Jane Marcet's ground breaking economic work, popularising the ideas of Adam Smith, Malthus, and David Ricardo.
1873 AutobiographyLondon: 1873The first edition, first issue of the posthumously published autobiography of John Stuart Mill.
1865 An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's PhilosophyLondon: 1865The first edition of John Stuart Mill's critique of Sir William Hamilton's metaphysical philosophy, emphasising instead his own empirical and utilitarian approach.
1880 A Short Inquiry into the Profitable Nature of Our InvestmentsLondon: 1880The vanishingly scarce first edition of R. L. Nash's guide to public securities and investments, partially compiled from his articles in The Economist.
1908 Sayings of Dr. JohnsonLondon: 1914A very scarce pocket sized collection of sayings from the noted writer Samuel Johnson.
1931 Encomium MoriaeBasel: 1931A facsimile of the important Basel edition of this philosophical and satirical essay by Erasmus.
1970 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1690Yorkshire: 1970A very smart facsimile edition of this collection of essays from English philosopher John Locke.
1783 Observations on Reversionary PaymentsLondon: 1783The two volume fourth edition of Richard Price's work on the proper method of calculating the values of contingent reversions.
1843 The Principles of Political EconomyEdinburgh: 1843A smart example of J. R. McCulloch's most popular work on economics, in a full calf signed binding by Hayday.
1818 Annals of Banks for SavingsLondon: 1818The vanishingly scarce first edition of Sir Francis Burdett's discussion of the rise, progress and importance of savings banks.