Social Sciences
1926 Psychology and EthnologyLondon: 1926A smart first edition of this volume of essays on psychology and ethnology from English anthropologist William Halse Rivers Rivers.
1930 Jubilee Congress of the Folk-Lore SocietyLondon: 1930An uncommon collection of papers that were read at an exhibition for The Folk-Lore Society, illustrated with plates.
1972 American Society and Black RevolutionNew York: 1972An inscribed first edition of this important work on the conditions of the black community throughout American history, written by Frank Hercules. -
1855 A Grammar of the Hindustani LanguageLondon: 1855An uncommon grammar and vocabulary for Hindustan, an in-depth and illustrated look at the language by Duncan Forbes.
1987 Luke KaramazovDetroit, Michigan: 1987An inscribed first edition of this uncommon crime novel about a true story, by Conrad Hilberry, in the publisher's original cloth. -
1881 Doncaster Charities Past and PresentWorksop: 1881A smart first edition of this scare record of charities in the Doncaster area, with illustrations throughout.
1970 Man, Culture, and AnimalsWashington, D.C.: 1970An uncommon work discussing the historical relationships between animals and man, based on a symposium and developed from the editors' earlier work on the subject.
1973 From Myth to FictionChicago: 1973The first English-translated edition of this mythological study by reputable religious historian Georges Dumezil.
1994 Celtic Sexuality: Power, Progress, and PassionWashington D. C.: 1994A smart first edition of this scarce sociological work on the sexual customs and practices of the early Celts.
1973 The Destiny of a KingChicago: 1973The first English edition of this comparative study of "first king" legends from Indo-European society from French philologist, Georges Dumezil.
1940 Robbery Under Law: The Mexican Object-LessonLondon: 1940An insightful critique of the leanings of the Mexican government from the eyes of English writer, Evelyn Waugh.
1818 A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper NamesLondon: 1818A scarce sixth edition of this work on the pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew words.
1757 2vol The Spectator Volume the First & Volume the SecondLondon: 1757Two smart volumes of the British periodical The Spectator.
1956 Red, Black, Blond and Olive Studies in Four Civilizations: Zuni, Haiti, Soviet Russia, IsraelLondon: 1956A smart first UK edition of this detailed study observing four civilizations from American writer Edmund Wilson.
1960 Lugbara Religion: Ritual and Authority Among an East African PeopleLondon: 1960A smart first edition of this illustrated work on the Lugbara religion of the East African countries.
1782-1783 Tableau de ParisAmsterdam: 1782The first six volumes of the second edition of Louis-Ssbastien Mercier's portrait of daily life in Paris in the eighteenth century.
1733 Le Jardin des Racines GrequesParis: 1739A charming poetical guide to the Grecian roots of the French language by Claude Lancelot.
1978 Your Disobedient ServantLondon: 1978A smart first edition of Chapman's detailed work on the Ministry of Public Building and Works. Bound by Maltbys of Oxford.
1919 Human Traits and Their Social SignificanceNew York: 1919The very scarce proof copy of this social science study on human traits by Irwin Edman, printed for the use of Columbia College students.
1869 Womankind in Western Europe From the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth CenturyLondon: 1869A brightly illustrated work on the history of the female sex from English antiquarian Thomas Wright.
1877 How to Talk Correctly; a Pocket Manual to Promote Polite and Accurate ConversationLondon: 1877A smart copy of this comprehensive Victorian guide to polite conversation, correct pronunciation, correct spelling, and more.
1898-99 The Workers, An Experiment in Reality: The East & The WestNew York: 1898-99A pair of very well presented copies of Princeton sociologist Walter Wyckoff's "experiment in reality" surrounding his trek across America.
1895 Indoor StudiesBoston: 1895A smart new Riverside edition of this collection of essays from American naturalist John Burroughs.
2002 Regarding the Pain of OthersNew York: 2003The uncorrected proof of Susan Sontag's thought provoking work on violence, with a letter from the publisher.
c1904 The Home Beautiful: The Wedded LifeLondon: c1904A smart copy of this charming guide for young men and women for a happy and healthy married life, with illustrations.
2002 Essays or Counsels, Civil and MoralLondon: 2002A very smart copy of this illustrated collection of essays from Francis Bacon, with the original slip case.
1955 Men: A Dialogue Between WomenLondon: 1955A smart first translated edition of this essay on the relationship between the sexes, with decorations from Mervyn Peake.
1870 Society and Solitude: Twelve ChaptersLondon: 1870A leather bound copy of this collection of essays from American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson.
1909-1911 2vol The Rules of The Hearts of Oak Benefit SocietyLondon: 1909-1911Two scarce copies of the rules of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society, revised and amended to each year.
1781 Thelyphthora; or, A Treatise on Female Ruin. Volume II Only.London: 1781The second volume of the second edition of this English clergyman's controversial support of the social benefits of polygamy.
c1928 Light on The Path & KarmaLondon: c1928A scarce work exploring concepts of Theosophy, from American writer and anthropologist Mabel Cook Cole.
c1586 La Civil Conversatione[Vinegia]: c1586An early edition of Stefano Guazzo's important treatise on etiquette, an interesting work on the manners of European courts in the sixteenth century.
1906 Rural EnglandLondon: 1906The new edition of H. Rider Haggard's two volume illustrated agricultural and social study of rural England.
1902 8vols A Collection of Works by Theodore RooseveltNew York and London: 1902A smart collection of eight volumes of works from the twenty-sixth President of the United Stated of America, Theodore Roosevelt.
1817-1841 2vol Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, The Quarterly Review & The New Monthly Magazine and HumoristEdinburgh; London: 1817-1841Two volumes of issues from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, The Quarterly Review, and The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist.
1905 The Poor and The Land: Being a Report on the Salvation Army ColoniesLondon: 1905A lovely copy of the illustrated first edition of this report of the Salvation Army colonies through the United States and England.