Social Sciences
1920 Feminism and Sex-ExtinctionLondon: 1920The first edition of this interesting early twentieth century work on the dangers of feminism by the anti-feminist Arabella Kenealy.
1872-1884 Studies on GrammarHalle; Leipzig: 1872-1884A collection of four scarce works on the grammar of different languages, in the original German.
1844 Anecdotes of the English Language; Chiefly Regarding the Local Dialect of LondonLondon: 1844A third edition of this detailed study of the English language and London dialects from Samuel Pegge the younger.
1891 2vol Grundriss der Germanischen PhilologieStrassburg: 1891A smart complete three volume set bound in two of this study into German philology, in the original German.
1868 Uber Den Ursprung Der SpracheWeimar: 1868A smart first German edition of this controversial study into the origins of language, in the original German.
1868 Die Neugestaltung der Lateinischen Orthographie in Ihrem Verhaltniss zur SchuleLeipzig: 1868A detailed commentary on the redesign of Latin spelling in schools from German classical scholar Wilhelm Brambach, in the original German.
1927-1930 2vol Selected Prejudices First & Second SeriesLondon: 1927-1930Two smart volumes of Mencken's collection of essays on American provincialism and hypocrisy.
1878 The First Blast of the TrumpetLondon: 1878A smartly bound copy of Scottish reformer John Knox's best known polemical pamphlet.
1859 The Philological Essays of the Late Rev. Richard Garnett of the British MuseumLondon: 1859A smart first edition of this collection of essays on the structure and historical development of language.
1875 De L'Origine du LangageParis: 1875A fifth edition of this detailed study into the origins of languages, in the original French.
1907 Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of ThinkingLondon: 1907The first UK edition of American philosopher William James's seminal work on the philosophy of pragmatism.
1922 A Defence of CosmeticsNew York: 1922The first edition in book form of Max Beerbohm's controversial and sensational essay on cosmetics, uncommon to see, especially in the original dust wrapper.
1831 Cottage EconomyLondon: 1831William Cobbett's detailed instructional guide to cottage economy. A fantastic work on how to live self-sufficiently in the early nineteenth century.
1859-1861 3vol Dictionary of Daily WantsLondon: 1859-1861A complete three volume set of this illustrated dictionary of daily necessities for the household.
1853 The Frugal Housewife, Dedicated to Those Who are Not Ashamed of EconomyLondon: 1853The twenty-third edition of this book containing recipes and advice for young housewives.
1864 The Gentle Life: Essays in Aid of the Formation of CharacterLondon: 1864A smartly bound second edition of this collection of essays from English writer James Hain Friswell.
1898 The Study of ManLondon: 1898A first edition of this illustrated anthropological study from Alfred Cort Haddon.
1931 The Mental Defective: A Problem in Social InefficiencyLondon: 1931A smart first edition of this scarce social study from Richard James Arthur Berry and Robert Gordon Latham.
1877 An Outline of the Grammar of the Dialect of West SomersetLondon: 1877The first edition of this very scarce study on the Somerset dialect, signed by the author. -
1869 The Dialect of the West of England. Particularly SomersetshireLondon: 1869The second revised and enlarged edition of this wonderful work on the West Country dialect, particularly the Somerset dialect.
1927 Adventure and Other PapersLondon: 1927A first edition of this collection of three important speeches by Norwegian polymath and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Fridtjof Nansen.
1959 The Lore and Language of SchoolchildrenOxford : 1959A pleasing first edition of this unique study into the language and behaviours of 1950s schoolchildren in the UK.
1866 The Ethics of the Dust: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of CrystallisationLondon: 1866A first edition of this exploration of social and political ideas in the form of lectures from John Ruskin.
1864 A French Eton; or, Middle Class Education and the StateLondon: 1864A smart first edition of this examination of the state of middle class education in France during the nineteenth century.
1882 Irish Essays and OthersLondon: 1882A very smart collection of three essays that encapsulates Matthew Arnold's views on Ireland's society, politics, and culture.
1851 Home EducationLondon: 1851A smart example of this treatise on home education by Isaac Taylor, bound in half crushed morocco.
1873 Ebrietatis Encomium: or, The Praise of DrunkennessLondon; Manchester: 1873A scarce edition of this eighteenth century satirical treatise on drinking, illustrated with a frontispiece.
c1849 Christian EtiquetteLondon: c1849A very smart copy of this very scarce guide to Christian etiquette in society, inscribed by the author. -
1910 Social Questions in ScotlandGlasgow: 1910A very scarce first edition of this social study of Scotland.
1890 In Darkest England and The Way OutLondon: 1890A smart copy of this work setting the foundation for the Salvation Army's modern social welfare approach.
c1880 Society Small Talk or What to Say and When to Say ItLondon: c1880A scarce third edition of this guide to polite society conversation.
1860 The Conduct of LifeBoston: 1860A smart first edition of this collection of essays on life from American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson.
1895 Two Suffolk FriendsEdinburgh & London: 1895A smart first edition of this illustrated paper on Suffolk and the people there from writer and commentator Francis Hindes Groome.
1852 Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on the University and Colleges of OxfordLondon: 1852A smartly bound copy of this extensive study into the University and Colleges of Oxford.
1970 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1690Yorkshire: 1970A very smart facsimile edition of this collection of essays from English philosopher John Locke.
1913 The Slaughter of Animals for FoodLondon: 1913A smart pamphlet of this article from English writer John Galsworthy on animal welfare.