1867 Charters Granted to SwanseaLondon: 1867The very scarce first edition of George Grant Francis's richly illustrated and highly informative guide to the charters of Swansea, in a full morocco binding.
1839 Beauties of the Hon. Henry Clay to Which is Added, A Biographical and Critical EssayNew York: 1839A very scarce first edition of this detailed study on the life and works of American lawyer and statesman Henry Clay Sr.
1877 Gold: Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold & Silver Wares in Different Countries of the WorldLondon: 1877A smart second edition of this illustrated review of legal regulations in the gold and silver trade.
1683-1685 The Acts made in the First Parliament of our most High and Dread Soveraign, Charles the FirstEdinburgh: 1683-1685The first edition of this lengthy account of the laws and acts made in parliament in the late seventeenth century.
1685-1707 The Laws and Acts Made in the First Parliament of our High and Dread Soveraign James VII; AnneEdinburgh: 1685-1707A very scarce volume presenting the laws and acts made in the Scottish parliament from the late seventeenth to early eighteenth century.
1899-1928 2vols Feet of Fines for Essex, Volumes I and II, 1182 to 1326Colchester: 1899-1928Two scarce volumes containing feet of fines for Essex from 1182 to 1326, uniformly bound in quarter calf.
1836 The Diary of Sir Henry SlingsbyLondon: 1836The scarce first edition of this work, combining the first publication of Slingsby's diary, with a reprint of his trial and further related papers.
1724 The Scrivener's GuideLondon: 1724A scarce reference work for the use of scriveners, a comprehensive guide.
1936 Life, Law & LettersLondon: 1936A first edition of this scarce collection of the observations and reflections of the writer and lawyer Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes.
1836 5vol The Justice of the Peace and Parish OfficerLondon: 1836A complete five volume set of this new edition of Richard Burn's work of law.
1848 A Practical Treatise on the Office of SheriffLondon: 1848A smartly bound second edition of this scarce treatise into the profession of sheriffs.
1827 Memoirs of the Life of Judge JeffreysLondon: 1827The first edition of Humphry W. Woolrych's sympathetic biography of Judge Jeffreys, the feared 'Hanging Judge' of the reign of James II.
1823 A Treatise on Copyholds, Customary Freeholds, Ancient Demesne, and the Jurisdiction of CourtsLondon: 1823The two volume second edition of this very scarce work on copyholds and freeholds by John Scriven.
1903 Dress Worn by Gentlemen at His Majesty's Court and on Occasions of CeremonyLondon: 1903A scarce 'new edition, revised and enlarged' of this illustrated account of the clothing worn by gentlemen in British courts.
1814 A Digest of The Laws Relating to The MilitiaLondon: 1814An exceptionally scarce digest of militia laws applicable in Britain during the early nineteenth century, bound in the publisher's original boards.
1756 The Great Case of Tithes, Truly Stated, Clearly Open'd, and Fully Resolv'dDublin: 1756An important work on the system of tithes within religious organisations, by Anthony Pearson.
1838 Law and Practice of Summary Convictions on Penal Statutes by Justices of the PeaceLondon: 1838The third edition of William Paley's very scarce legal reference work, detailing the procedures and principles surrounding summary convictions.
1832 A Treatise on the Law of Executors and AdministratorsLondon: 1832A very scarce first edition copy of this important work on the legal proceedings of executors, by Edward Vaughan Williams.
1826 Forms of Proceedings Before the Sheriff Courts in ScotlandEdinburgh: 1826A very scarce early nineteenth-century work on proceedings in the Sheriff Courts of Scotland.
1880 Lectures on the Early History of InstitutionsLondon: 1880A collection of lectures on the history of institutions, with particular reference to the legal system, by one of the forefathers of legal history.
1905 Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Departmental Committee on Industrial AlcoholLondon: 1905The very scarce first edition of this publication of the minutes from the 1904 meeting of the 'Departmental Committee on Industrial Alcohol'.
1901 Explosives Act: Twenty-Fifth Annual Report on Her Majesty's Inspectors of ExplosivesLondon: 1901The very scarce report for the year 1900 of 'Her Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives'.
1749 The Crown Circuit CompanionLondon: 1749The first volume of this informative guide to the Crown Circuit, or Crown Court, from the eighteenth century, including the practice of the courts of assize.
1737 The True Narrative of the Case of Joseph RawsonLondon: 1737A very scarce account of James Sloss' excommunication of Joseph Rawson, the first edition.
1871 Shorthand Made Easy, Brief and LegibleLondon: 1871The first edition of this very scarce guide to using shorthand, written by George Pearson Renshaw.
1761 Doctor and Student: Or Dialogues Between a Doctor of Divinity, and a Student in the Laws of EnglandIn the Savoy: 1761A smart example of the fifteenth edition of Christopher St. Germain's discussion of English common law, first published in the early sixteenth century.
1817 A Plan Suggested For Mature Consideration for Superseding the Necessity of The Poor RatesLondon: 1817A scarce article from 'The Pamphleteer' periodical, discussing a plan for helping the poor and agricultural labourers.
1875 Report from the Select Committee on Banks of Issue: Together with the Proceedings of the CommitteeNot Stated : 1875A very scarce report containing minutes of evidence pertaining to the bank laws implemented at the time, from the library of the Institute of Bankers.
1841-1842 Three Works and Essays on Corn LawsManchester: 1841-1842Three scarce works bound together regarding the Corn Laws, arguing that the legislation caused problems for tenant farmers and farm labourers.
1854 The Laws of the Customs, Consolidated by Direction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's TreasuryLondon: 1854A scarce work containing the laws of customs implemented in the Customs Consolidation Act of 1853.
1956-1960 2vol The Humanitarians and the Ten Hour Movement in England & The Development of London Livery CompaniesBoston: 1956-1960A smart copy of these scarce essays from the Baker Library of Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.
1906-1929 6vol English Local Government from the Revolution to the Municipal Corporations ActLondon: 1906-1929Six smart volumes on the English local government from British social reformers Beatrice and Sidney Webb.
1885-1887 2vol A History of Private Bill LegislationLondon: 1885-1887A complete two volume set of this detailed legal history from English journalist and legal writer Frederick Clifford.
1903 A History of Factory LegislationWestminster : 1903The very scarce first edition of this historical work on factory legislation, including the laws that protected women's working conditions.
1833 Extracts from the Information Received as to the Administration and Operation of the Poor LawsLondon: 1833The first edition of these extracts, taken from reports on the operations and administration of the poor laws.
1816 Reports From CommitteesLondon: 1816A set of five very scarce volumes of the reports and proceedings of the House of Commons in 1816.