Economics & Social Sciences
Primary sources, seminal works and rare texts on Economics and Social Sciences, encompassing Philosophy, Law and Politics.
1859 The Philological Essays of the Late Rev. Richard Garnett of the British MuseumLondon: 1859A smart first edition of this collection of essays on the structure and historical development of language.
1875 De L'Origine du LangageParis: 1875A fifth edition of this detailed study into the origins of languages, in the original French.
1897 The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular PhilosophyLondon; New York; Bombay: 1897The first edition of this important volume of philosophical essays by William James.
1907 Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of ThinkingLondon: 1907The first UK edition of American philosopher William James's seminal work on the philosophy of pragmatism.
1922 A Defence of CosmeticsNew York: 1922The first edition in book form of Max Beerbohm's controversial and sensational essay on cosmetics, uncommon to see, especially in the original dust wrapper.
1944-1945 5vols Five Political TractsLondon: 1944-1945A fantastic collection of essays in support of the Labour Party and socialism, and in opposition to the Conservative Party, published in the lead up to the 1945 British general election.
1929 Do What You Will: EssaysLondon: 1929A very pleasing first edition of this philosophical essay collection from 'Brave New World' author, Aldous Huxley.
1939-41 'Left Book Club' Works on Socialism and Finances During World War TwoLondon: 1939-41Four volumes of left-wing works from the Left Book Club on the war and Nazi Germany, published during World War Two.
c1810 The Family Receipt-Book; Or, Universal Repository of Useful KnowledgeLondon: c1810The very scarce first edition of this impressive 'universal repository', offering recipes and remedies from around the globe.
1831 Cottage EconomyLondon: 1831William Cobbett's detailed instructional guide to cottage economy. A fantastic work on how to live self-sufficiently in the early nineteenth century.
1859-1861 3vol Dictionary of Daily WantsLondon: 1859-1861A complete three volume set of this illustrated dictionary of daily necessities for the household.
1853 The Frugal Housewife, Dedicated to Those Who are Not Ashamed of EconomyLondon: 1853The twenty-third edition of this book containing recipes and advice for young housewives.
1864 The Gentle Life: Essays in Aid of the Formation of CharacterLondon: 1864A smartly bound second edition of this collection of essays from English writer James Hain Friswell.
1761 Encomio Della Pazzia, Composto In Forma di Declamazione Per Erasmo, E Tradotto In Italiano.Basilea : 1761A very scarce work containing French and Italian translations of 'Encomio della Pazzia', or 'In Praise of Folly', by Erasmus of Rotterdam.
1837-1841 Selected Works of James GrantLondon: 1837-1841First and early editions of six works by newspaper editor James Grant, including four first editions. Bound in eleven volumes.
1840 A Numismatic ManualLondon: 1840John Yonge Akerman's impressively detailed guide to the coins of various regions, illustrated with seventeen plates.
1886 VittoriaLondon: 1886George Meredith's historical fiction novel set during the Italian Risogimento, bound in half calf.
1876 The Compleat Angler Or The Contemplative Man's RecreationLondon: 1876This facsimile reprint of Izaak Walton's delightful seventeenth-century work The Compleat Angler, complete with charming vignette illustrations of fish as with the original edition.
1849 Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit and Some Miscellaneous PiecesLondon: 1849A pleasing second edition of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's essays exploring faith and spirituality, edited by his nephew.
1833 The Practical Measurer; or, Tradesman and Wood Merchant's AssistantGlasgow : 1833An impressive practical measuring guide, intended for tradesmen and wood merchants, from Scottish physician Alexander Peddie.
1867 Charters Granted to SwanseaLondon: 1867The very scarce first edition of George Grant Francis's richly illustrated and highly informative guide to the charters of Swansea, in a full morocco binding.
1898 The Study of ManLondon: 1898A first edition of this illustrated anthropological study from Alfred Cort Haddon.
1931 The Mental Defective: A Problem in Social InefficiencyLondon: 1931A smart first edition of this scarce social study from Richard James Arthur Berry and Robert Gordon Latham.
1877 An Outline of the Grammar of the Dialect of West SomersetLondon: 1877The first edition of this very scarce study on the Somerset dialect, signed by the author. -
1896 Private Letters of Edward Gibbon 1753-1794London: 1896This first edition of historian Edward Gibbon's private letters collected in two volumes, full bound in the original publisher's cloth and decorated with Edward Gibbon's gilt crest.
1836 Letters of JuniusLondon: 1836A smart copy of this collection of letters critical of the government of King George III from the anonymous "Junius".
1839 Beauties of the Hon. Henry Clay to Which is Added, A Biographical and Critical EssayNew York: 1839A very scarce first edition of this detailed study on the life and works of American lawyer and statesman Henry Clay Sr.
1985 Literature and Politics in the Age of NeroIthaca and London: 1985A very smart first edition of this detailed study into the literature and politics of the Age of Nero.
1869 The Dialect of the West of England. Particularly SomersetshireLondon: 1869The second revised and enlarged edition of this wonderful work on the West Country dialect, particularly the Somerset dialect.
1927 Adventure and Other PapersLondon: 1927A first edition of this collection of three important speeches by Norwegian polymath and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Fridtjof Nansen.
1877 Gold: Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold & Silver Wares in Different Countries of the WorldLondon: 1877A smart second edition of this illustrated review of legal regulations in the gold and silver trade.
1959 The Lore and Language of SchoolchildrenOxford : 1959A pleasing first edition of this unique study into the language and behaviours of 1950s schoolchildren in the UK.
1989 Letters of Leonard WoolfSan Diego, New York, London: 1989This first edition, first impression collection of letters by the political theorist Leonard Woolf, husband of the esteemed modernist author Virginia Woolf, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1815-1829 An Account Book of Lamb & Sons of EdinburghEdinburgh: 1815-1829The fascinating early nineteenth century account book of an Edinburgh merchant named Lamb & Sons, largely concerning sales of books and furniture.
1866 The Ethics of the Dust: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of CrystallisationLondon: 1866A first edition of this exploration of social and political ideas in the form of lectures from John Ruskin.
1878 Benjamin Disraeli. Earl of Beaconsfield. In Upwards of 100 Cartoons from the Collection of Mr PunchLondon: 1878The first edition of this collection of satirical cartoons from 'Punch' magazine, following the career of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.