Art & Architecture
We have a wide and varied collection of books on all forms of Art and Architecture, encompassing Engineering, Design, Furniture and Fashion. Many with fantastic plates and some real rarities included.
1857-1859 The Encyclopaedia of Practical Carpentry and JoineryLeipzig and Dresden; London: 1857-1859The scarce first edition of Edward Lance Tarbuck's enormously informative guide to carpentry and joinery, illustrated with over 120 plates.
1924 English Decoration and Furniture of the Early Renaissance 1500-1650London: 1924This handsome first edition of the fourth volume in Margaret Jourdain's illustrated study of English decoration and furniture with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1978 The Life and Work of Thomas ChippendaleLondon: 1978A signed presentation copy of the first edition of Christopher Gilbert's study of Chippendale, in superb half calf bindings. -
1892 Illustrated History of FurnitureLondon: 1892A lovely example of the first edition of Frederick Litchfield's illustrated guide to the history of furniture, in a signed half straight grain morocco Birdsall binding.
1986 Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840London: 1986A smart first edition of this illustrated dictionary of English furniture makers, with the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1890-92 S. Richards Catalogue from Jan. 1890 to Feb. 1892Not Stated: 1890-92A very scarce antiques catalogue, produced by S. Richards Antique Dealers of Nottingham, filled with hand drawn images of his varied stock from January 1890 to February 1892.
1905 English FurnitureLondon: 1905The first edition of Frederick S. Robinson's extensively illustrated account of English furniture in the early twentieth century.
1950 Farm and Cottage Inventories of Mid-Essex 1635-1749Essex: 1950The first edition of this interesting account of seventeenth and eighteenth century furniture and belongings in Essex.
1980 Gimson and the BarnsleysLondon: 1980A lovely first edition copy of Mary Comino's study of the Arts and Crafts architects and furniture designers Gimson and the Barnsleys.
1904 Old West Surrey: Some Notes and MemoriesLondon: 1904A bright first edition of this illustrated memoir of 'Old West Surrey', a nostalgic work from influential British garden designer, Gertrude Jekyll.
2002 The Art of René LaliqueRoyston: 2002A first edition of this lavishly illustrated guide to the art of the French jeweller and glass designer René Lalique.
1823 The Carpenter's New Guide, Being a Complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and JoineryLondon: 1823An illustrated guide to carpentry and joinery, by Peter Nicholson.
1927 Old Furniture: A Magazine of Domestic Ornament Volume TwoLondon: 1927A pleasing work comprising illustrated articles on various pieces of antique furniture, being volume two from 'Old Furniture'.
1929 The Wetherfield Collection of 222 ClocksLondon: 1929The second edition of this wonderfully illustrated catalogue of the Wetherfield clock collection, which sold at auction for £30,000 on the 1st May, 1928.
1893 From Kitchen to Garret: Hints for Young HouseholdersLondon: 1893A smart new edition of this charming Victorian guide to furnishing and keeping a new home, aimed at young householders.
1932 The Architectural Review A Magazine of Architecture & Decoration Vol LXXIIWestminster: 1932A profusely illustrated and fascinating magazine on architecture and interior design from the early twentieth century.
1896 A Manual of Mending and RepairingNew York: 1896The very scarce first US edition of Charles Godfrey Leland's informative guide to mending and repairing items around the home.
1841 London InteriorsLondon: 1841The first edition of this profusely illustrated study of fashionable London architecture and interiors, with two volumes in one.
c1906 The Modern Carpenter Joiner and Cabinet-MakerLondon: c1906The complete eight volume set of illustrated works by G. Lister Sutcliffe on carpentry and joinery.
1955 Georgian Cabinet-Makers c. 1700-1800London: 1955A smart revised edition of this biographical series belonging to prominent furniture-makers of the eighteenth century, adorned with illustrations to the rear.
1867 An Inquiry into the Difference of Style Observable in Ancient Glass PaintingsOxford : 1867A wonderfully illustrated second edition of Charles Winston's study of ancient glass painting, bound in full morocco by Zaehnsdorf.
1913 The Practical Book of Oriental RugsLondon: 1913A smart new edition of this illustrated guide to Oriental rugs.
1923 Old English Walnut & Lacquer FurnitureLondon: 1923A lavishly illustrated guide to old English walnut and lacquer furniture for collectors and students.
1966 Furniture in the Ancient World: Origins & Evolution 3100-475 B.C.London: 1966A wonderfully illustrated work on the furniture of the ancient world, written by Hollis S. Baker with an introduction by designer Gordon Russell, in the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1902 Colonial Furniture in AmericaLondon: 1902The first UK edition of this comprehensive study of colonial furniture in America, with an array of illustrations throughout.
1980 Gimson and the Barnsleys: 'Wonderful furniture of a commonplace kind'London: 1980A lovely first edition copy of Mary Comino's study of the Arts and Crafts architects and furniture designers Gimson and the Barnsleys.
1902 Our Homes and How to Beautify ThemLondon: 1902A smart second edition of this early twentieth century interior design guide.
1963 The Early Furniture of French CanadaToronto: 1963A smart first edition of this vastly illustrated study of early French Canadian furniture.
1964 Hispanic Furniture From Fifteenth Through the Eighteenth CenturyNew York: 1964A very smart second edition of this comprehensive history of Hispanic furniture.
1962-1967 3vol La Pendule FrancaiseParis: 1962-1967Three scarce volumes of this illustrated work on the French clock, in the original French.
1958 English Furniture with Some Furniture of Other Countries in the Irwin Untermyer CollectionLondon: 1958A smart first edition of this vastly illustrated reference book to the furniture of the Irwin Untermyer Collection.
c1900 Marque des Produits: Maison SterlinParis: c1900An illustrated catalogue of Maison Sterlin, an elegant French hardware manufacturer, now known as Bricard Serrurerie d'Art.
1977 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Furniture and Furniture DrawingsNew York: 1977A wonderful printed exhibition of work from the Museum of Modern Art's collection on architect and designer, Mies van der Rohe.
1948 The English Interior: 1500 to 1900London: 1948The first edition of this charmingly illustrated work on English interior design.
1929 Victoria and Albert Museum Catalogue of Wall-PapersLondon: 1929A very smart first edition of this illustrated catalogue of wallpapers from the Victorian and Albert Museum.
1910-1911 The Book of Decorative FurnitureLondon: 1910-1911The two volume first edition of Edwin Foley's sumptuously illustrated study of decorative furniture, in vibrant half morocco bindings.