We have a particular fondness here at Rooke Books for Architecture. As a result we often have a goodly number of special works on the subject. Of course classicism is well represented but we are also very keen on the Gothic. So here you will find Pugin as well as Palladio.
1985 C. R. Ashbee: Architect, Designer & Romantic SocialistNew Haven: 1985A comprehensive biography on English architect and designer, Charles Robert Ashbee, in the original unclipped dust wrapper.
1906 Houses and GardensLondon: 1906The scarce first edition of British architect Baillie Scott's architectural design advice for the modern house dweller, with colour plates throughout.
1989 India Revealed: The Art and Adventures of James and William Fraser 1801-35London: 1989A smart first edition of this illuminating work on the art and travels of Scottish travel writers James and William Fraser.
1990 The History of Architecture in IndiaLondon: 1990A smart first edition of this historical study of Indian architecture, signed by the author with an additional proof copy dust wrapper. -
1903-1910 3vol Pilgrimages to Old Homes Mostly on the Welsh BorderDidsbury: 1903-1910Three smart volumes from this charming travel book exploring old homes, with a letter signed by the photographer. -
1939 An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of OxfordLondon: 1939A smart first edition of this inventory of the historical monuments of Oxford.
1904 The Story of Westminster AbbeyLondon: 1904A smart early copy of this illustrated history of Westminster Abbey, written by English social working Violet Brooke-Hunt.
1948 The English Interior: 1500 to 1900London: 1948The first edition of this charmingly illustrated work on English interior design.
1909 The Cottage Homes of EnglandLondon: 1909A smart second impression of this charming work exploring the beautiful architecture found in the English countryside, colourfully illustrated throughout.
1936 English Church ScreensLondon: 1936A wonderfully illustrated work on various rood screens of English and Welsh parish churches, from British interior and landscape designer, Aymer Vallance.
1905 IvoriesLondon: 1905A wonderful overview of the topic of ivory sculpture and art through the ages, illustrated with 88 plates.
1966 Isfahan, Pearl of PersiaLondon: 1966Wilfrid Blunt's exploration of the sumptuous architecture of Isfahan; a first edition beautifully illustrated throughout.
1829 Jones' Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles &c.London: 1829A fascinating account of the significant seats, castles and mansions of nineteenth century nobleman, illustrated profusely with intricate engravings and bound in half calf.
1989 The Life of Sir Edwin LutyensWoodbridge: 1989A detailed biography of the notable architect Sir Edwin Lutyens by the esteemed art historian Christopher Hussey.
1977 Charles Rennie MacKintosh and the Modern MovementLondon: 1977The second edition of this fascinating work on the designs of Charles Mackintosh and the Modern Movement.
1926 From an Old HouseNew York: 1926The first trade edition of Joseph Hergesheimer's record of the history of a Pennsylvania Dutch farmhouse, in the very scarce original dust wrapper.
1980 Utopian Craftsmen: The Arts and Crafts Movement from the Cotswolds to ChicagoLondon: 1980A superb copy of this beautifully illustrated guide to the Arts and Crafts Movement, by Lionel Lambourne, who was Head of Paintings for the V&A Museum.
2010 Silent Splendour: Palaces of the DeccanMumbai: 2010The first edition of this very scarce, beautifully illustrated work on the palaces of the Deccan Plateau in South India.
1906-1908 Pilgrimages to Old HomesDidsbury: 1906-1908The first edition of volumes III and IV only of Fletcher Moss's richly illustrated guide to the old homes of England.
1903-1910 Pilgrimages to Old HomesDidsbury: 1903-1910Four smart volumes of the first edition of Fletcher Moss's illustrated study of the old homes of England.
c1883 Hanley Castle: An Episode of the Civil Wars and the Battle of WorcesterTewkesbury & London: c1883A smart second edition of this illustrated historical commentary from Hanley Castle of Worcestershire, England.
1952 First and Last LovesLondon: 1952The first edition of John Betjeman's collection of essays surrounding English architecture, with the original, unclipped dust wrapper.
1902-1904 The Modern Carpenter Joiner and Cabinet-MakerLondon : 1902-1904A complete eight-volume guide to the world of architecture, design and carpentry, profusely illustrated throughout.
1930 Windmills in SussexLondon: 1930A charming overview of various windmills across Sussex, with coloured and monochrome plates throughout.
1874 How to Build a HouseLondon : 1874The first English translated edition of French architect Viollet-le-Duc's architectural novelette.
1959 Here, Of All PlacesLondon: 1959A very smart first edition of this pictorial history of domestic architecture.
1900 Old Cottages and Farmhouses in Kent and SussexLondon: 1900A first edition of this vastly illustrated work on cottages and farmhouses in Kent and Sussex.
1906 The Cathedrals of England and WalesLondon: 1906A detailed and illustrated architectural work on English and Welsh cathedrals, bound in a Carter Bros straight grain half morocco.
1898 6vol The Principles and Practice of Modern House-ConstructionLondon: 1898A smart complete set of this detailed work on the principles of construction for housing, with illustrations throughout.
1857 The Engineer and Machinist's Drawing-BookGlasgow: 1857A richly illustrated mid nineteenth century guide to engineering and technical drawing.
1905 The Dickens CountryLondon: 1905The first edition of this illustrated work on the residences of the noted Charles Dickens, written by Frederick G. Kitton and bound in full straight grain morocco.
1959 Here, of All PlacesLondon: 1959A lovely copy of this pictorial history of domestic architecture, signed with illustrations by the author. -
1721-22 Antiquity Explained, and Represented in SculpturesLondon: 1721-22The extensive study on global antiquities by Bernard de Montfaucon, an illustrated work here translated into English.
1929 The Domestic Architecture of England During the Tudor PeriodLondon: 1929The second edition, two volume set of profusely illustrated works on architecture by Garner and Stratton.
1912 The Building News and Engineering Journal Plate VolumeLondon: 1912A collection of plates depicting architectural designs from the 'Building News and Engineering Journal'.