No date [c.1865] The Common Seaweeds of the British Coast and Channel Islands; With Some Insight into the Microscopic Beauties of their Structure and Fructification.
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Colour Plates, Early Edition, Illustrated, Original Binding, Publishers' Original Binding, Uncommon
Undated and with no edition remarks, however established as having been published circa 1865. Dated from inscription.
Full bound in the original publisher's gilt decorated cloth.
With a gift inscription dated 1865 to the recto of the front free endpaper.
Handsomely illustrated with ten tinted plates depicting common British seaweeds, including a frontispiece of Delesseria Sanguinea and Bonnemaisonia Asparagoides.
This edition of the work being very scarcely encountered.
Born on the Channel Islands, Louisa Lane Clarke was a British botanist and travel writer who is best known for the work she undertook to popularise microscopy. This is her invaluable guide to the common seaweeds of the British coast and Channel Islands, including detailed descriptions of the visual traits characterising each species and descriptions of their fructification.
In the original publisher's full cloth binding. Externally, smart with some marginal handling marks, light rubbing, and discolouration to the spine's cloth. Slight bumping to the head and tail of the spine and the extremities, in the former's case, resulting in fractional splitting of the cloth. Hinges strained. Gift inscription to the recto of the front free endpaper. Internally, sections of the binding are strained or loosening. Pages are a trifle age toned however generally bright and clean barring the odd spot and some minor handling marks. A very good copy given the age and scarcity of the work.
Very Good
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